Not a Superhero

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When Cece's mom came home, Rocky's parents were already there. They were going to discuss the plans the girls and Flynn had made.

"You want to go to Mission Creek?" Cece's mother asked.

"Yeah," Cece answered.

Rocky's parents, including Ty, look at the girls and Flynn. Rocky's mom says, "are sure about this? Who's paying the ticket?"

"Adam," Flynn says with a grin.

Ty crosses his arms and laugh, "lil' man, is he trustworthy?"

"He is a kind hearted person," Cece admits as Rocky shakes her head in agreement.

Rocky adds, "besides, you can come too."

"Nah, I'm busy caring for stuff that is important." Ty answered.

Rocky crosses her arms and glares at her brother. Cece turn to her mom, "can we PLEASE go!? . . . I'm sure they can hire for securityyyy."

Mr. Blue looks at Georgia, "if they have a chaperone, they can go."

"I'll talk to Jeremy about it, and if he agrees, we'll leave when we get the tickets."

"So tomorrow?" Flynn asks.

Georgia jumped up from her seat, "What!?! I'll call him now, then. Girls pack your stuff just in case. Flynn, you too."

Rocky and Cece grin at each other. The plan was a success.


Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar were heading to Memorial hospital after eating. Mighty Med was right under.

When they entered the hospital, it seemed pretty normal . . . until they saw Sloane. The trio jumps back and hide in a hallway.

"What are we going to do?" Kaz whispers.

"I don't know!" Oliver whisper yells.

Skylar observed how the nurses took away Sloane to a room. "She's gone."

"Lets go then," Kaz says.

"Kaz, no," Oliver calls out.

Kaz was starting to run out of his hiding spot, then tripped on his shoe laces. Everyone stopped to look at him and the nurses that were taking in Sloane stopped also.

Oliver and Skylar were worried and mad at Kaz. Kaz awkwardly stands up and looks at everyone. He signals his friends to run while he distracts the people.

Skylar and Oliver walk past the crowd and safely get to the closet door. Meanwhile, Kaz was trying to make an excuse to leave.

"Sorry about that everyone. Shouldn't you all be attending injured sup—people?"

Everyone scurries to what they were doing. Sloane wanted to follow Kaz, but she couldn't walk well enough and/or fast.

Kaz eventually meets up with Skylar and Oliver. The closet was small, yet there was enough space for the three of them.

"So close!" Skylar says to the boys.

"Well, at least we're here." Oliver solves the pattern on the wall. The symbol glows, signaling they have access.

When the elevator doors opened Horace stood at the entrance with a stern look. "Boys . . . and Skylar. Where have you been?"

Kaz tried to come up with a lie. It was not going well. "Uh, well . . . We were walking down the street when a bull came running down the road. Yeah they had to clear the path for the bull to go through."

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