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I know in your head
You see me instead
'Cause he looks a lot like I did back then
Baby don't lie
He's just a lookalike
-Conan Gray


"Maddie just texted, she said they're at her house already and that her boyfriend is there." The red head looked up from her phone to see her friends face through the mirror. She tried to meet his eyes but failed seeing as they were already focused on a piece of string wrapped around his wrist.

" Hey, you don't have to go. I can call Caleb and tell him to-" the words knocked Finn out of his trace and he turned around to face Sadie to give her the most confused look. Of course he still wanted to go. They were friends before anything ever happened.

"No, I'm fine Sades thanks. I've been to every single one of her birthday parties since we were 10. I'm not missing this. Now, how does this look. I'd the hair too much? "

Millie and Finn have known each other for over 10 years, which means they've seen each other grow. From grungy 15 year old Finn to hipster 18 year old Millie. They've seen each other dressed to the nines and dressed in old sweats with t shirts that have stains that won't come off. They've known each other for 10 years and this is the first time he feels worried about what she'll say when she sees him.

" it looks perfect you idiot. I picked this out. You're giving me big Harry styles vibes. And the purple hair? Perfect. Most girls dye their hair after a break up, why not you? Although... it needs a little more 'Finn'"

Finn turns to look at her confused but he quickly notices the little black bottle in her hand. He gives her a quick smile and turns to take her spot on the bed as she sits on his desk chair.

"Do you think she'll like this 'New Me'?"

Sadie begins painting his nails and just shrugs her shoulders. She understands it's hard to move on from a breakup, specially if that ex happens to be one of your closest friends. The break up between Finn and Millie came as a shock to even themselves, and to think she has already moved on.

She remembers that night so well. Gaten had brought him over and he looked a complete mess. Messy hair showing how much he's ran his hands through it, deep red, swollen eyes with tears stained on his cheeks. The look of pain radiating from him, Sadie couldn't help but sit with the two boys and cry as the two heard his friend pour out his soul on how much he hated that he wasn't the one she was with anymore.

It's because of that night Sadie understood why her friend was asking all these questions, she also knew she couldn't comfort him with whatever she said so she was honest. Sadie feels like her friendship with both of them completely shifted. Somewhere between all that mess Finn found comfort in her and Millie and her didn't speak much. They were still friends, of course, but Sadie wasn't the one Millie would come to for help anymore. It hurt for a while, but Sadie knew Maddie and Lilia were great friends to Millie so she was okay with it.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Sadie says to him once again trying to give her friend an out from this self harming decision.

"We were friends before it all, I'd like to think we still are. I am, at least. I'll always be there for her Sadie, in whatever way she needs me to be I'll be there. I know it's just a party but I feel like if I don't go to this party I'm renouncing to our friendship and I can never to that."

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