New kid. An Ross Lynch love story. Chapter thirteen

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Kate's POV:

Ross had me backed against his door, hands on my lower back. Our lips where locked in a hungry kiss. He let out a small moan and pulled me closer. Suddenly a crack of lighting lit up the semi dark room. I shot away from him whimpering. "Kate?" he questioned. I was sitting on his bed, knees hugged to my chest, slowly rocking back and fourth. "Kate what's wrong?" I sighed.

"I hate storms" I whispered, he sat down next to me rubbing my back. "it was a thunder storm that caused my parents to crash" he pulled me into a a hug, I sighed into his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked I nodded and he sat me up.

"We where driving back from a party, when lighting hit the car. Dad swerved causing us to crash into a tree. I blacked out for a bit and when I woke I was in a hospital room.Scott was sitting in the chair next to me crying. I remember asking him what happened, he explained and told me mum and dad had died. I was eight when it happened. I remember bursting into tears and him comforting me. We had to live with our aunt and uncle until he turned sixteen then he took me and we moved in down the road. Every time there's a storm Scott sleeps in my room on the floor Incase I, freak out" I finished talking and realised I was crying.

Ross gently brushed the tears away and kissed my forehead. "Sssh, don't cry. It's okay babe I'm here, I'm not gonna let the lighting get you ever" he said hugging me tight. I nodded into his chest trying to calm down.

Just then Rydel burst into the room.

"GUYS THERE A-what's wrong? Kate!" she cried running over to me. Ross explained and she gasped.

"Oh Kate! Its alright Hun!" she gently patted my back.

"Thank you" I whispered. "What did you want to tell us?" I asked sitting up.

"Oh... That there is a huge storm and all roads are closed. No ones aloud to leave their house tonight. So you staying here" I tensed. Great a storm! Just what I needed.

"Oh okay... I don't have any PJ's..."

"You can borrow mine!" she said running out the room. She returned a few minuets later with a pair of pink sleep shorts and a tank. "Thanks, erm where am I sleeping?" I asked looking between the pair of them. Rydel looked at Ross and dragged him out side. They closed the door but I could still here their voices just slightly muffled.

The convocation:

Rydel: where IS she going to sleep?

Ross: your room?

Rydel: no she can't, there's no room with Jess in there.

Riker: hey what you talking about?

Ross: where Kate's going to sleep.

Riker: Rydel and Jess's room?

Rydel: She can't, no room.

Riker: hmm what about your room Ross?

Ross: what? Are you sure mum and dad would allow it?

Riker: they where just talking about it. Sides your sensible and you've got Ryland in there.

Rydel: yeah you'll be fine. Sides from what I heard she's gonna need you tonight dude.

Ross: okay I'll go tell her.

Ross came back in the room smiling sheepishly. "Looks like your bunking with me and Ry tonight" he said sitting back next to me. "Okay, are you sure it's okay?" he nodded. "Okay, I should go call Scott" I said as I got up to leave.

Ross"s POV:

Omg. Kate was going to be staying the night in my bed! I bit my lip again trying to calm myself down. 'It's okay Ross your just sleeping in the same bed as your super hot girlfriend' I thought to myself. I groaned and threw myself back onto my bed.God, this was going to be one hell of a night! A few minuets later Kate slipped back into the room.

"We should probably get changed" I said she nodded and went into the ensuite. My eyes followed her, she hadn't fully shut the door so it was slightly ajar. I could still see her but she couldn't see me. I watched as she slipped my T-shirt over her head, she let it drop to the floor. She had her back to me so I could only see her curves. She put on the tank and started to remove my jeans. I nearly choked when she stepped out of them. She had on a pair of black undies with the word: sexy printed in silver. She put on the shorts and finally closed the door.

I was flushed, I knew she was hot but I didn't know how sexy that actually was! I quickly glanced down and let out a sigh of relief. Good my buddy had kept calm, I stood up and changed into a pair of sweats. I pulled my top off and sat back down. She eventually came back, I looked down so she wouldn't see me blush. All I could think off was her black panties.

"Hey, no shirt eh?" she smirked sitting on my lap. Her slender finger traced my six pack.

"Nope, I never sleep with one" I winked at her. She blushed looking down.

I stood up, picking her up with me, I flung back the covered and climbed in. Kate slid off me lying next to me. I wrapped my arms round her waist, snuggling into her hair once more. She let out a small yawn and rested her head on my chest. "You should try and sleep" I whispered. I felt her nod, in no time she was sleeping.

Ry came in the room ten minuets later, I held a finger up to my lips then nodded down at Kate. He smiled, changed into his PJ's and turned off the lights. I heard him get into bed, I was lying still so Kate wouldn't wake.

A crack of lighting and a roar of thunder caused Kate to jump about a meter high. "AAAAH!" she Screamed.

Ryland sat up turning the light on. In seconds the room was filled with my siblings.

"What's wrong?!" Rocky asked. Kate was shaking violently, I was trying to calm her down with no success.

"The lighting scared her" I explained. Everyone nodded trying to calm her down.

"Kate, do you want a drink?" Riker asked, she nodded and he went downstairs. He returned with a glass of water, he handed it to her. "T-thanks" she stuttered taking a sip, her teeth chattered against the glass. Man she really was terrified.

Jess's pov:

We were all in Ross and Ry's room cause Kate was a little scared of a stupid storm. Everyone but me seemed to know why she hated them so much. "Guys it's really late we should go to bed. I'm sure Ross can Deal with Kate" I said. Everyone shook their heads. I sighed and sat on the end of Ry's bed.

"no, their room is the biggest bedroom, there's enough space for us all on the floor" Rocky said. Everyone quickly left, Rydel dragged me with her. We all soon returned with our bedding and settled down on the floor. "We're all here tonight if you need to talk Kate, your family okay?" Rydel said. I stiffened at the word 'family' SHE WASN'T FAMILY! SHE WAS SOME GIRL WHO ROSS FELL INLOVE WITH! He'd been in love before! Rydel never called those girl family!! I grunted and hid under my covers not saying a word. The lights where turned off and soon we were all quiet.

A low rumble of thunder sounded in the distance and Kate let out a small whimper. I heard Ross hush her and I could just make out their outlines. She was snuggling into him and he had his chin rested in her head. Another rumble of thunder, she whimpered again. Baby.

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