New kid. An Ross Lynch love story. Chapter twenty-two.

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Kate's POV:

It's been six months since I first met Ross Lynch. A lot has happened in that time, for instance Ross and I are dating. Megan Sunners became one of my closest friends, and she happens to be dating another of my best friends. Alexa has got a new boyfriend, his name is Jason, they've been dating for around four months now. Scott got himself a girlfriend too, Hayley.

Hayley's moved in with us now, I think this pretty cool! The Lynch's and Ratliff have become like family to me! We always meet up and go to the beach. It just so happened today was one of our 'Party days'...

"Kaaaatteee, baby please hurry up!" Ross whined through my closed bedroom door. I rolled my eyes and slipped on my 'surfing chick' baby blue tee. I pulled my black shorts over my yellow bikkini bottoms, grabbed my beach bag and opened the door. "FINALLY!" he cheered.

"Your Sooo impatient Ross!" I joked. He frowned, scrunching up his eyebrows in his adorable way. I put my hand on my hip, raised an eyebrow and gave him my what?-you-know-it's-true look. "Whatever, are you ready to go?" he asked. I patted my pockets, keys check, phone.. Nope. Darting back into my room I snatched it off the dresser.

"Now I'm ready!" he cheered and raced down the stairs. Rolling my eyes I followed him out my house and down the road. He burst through his front door, "WE'RE HERE!" he shouted. Everyone popped up from no where. "FINALLY!" Riker laughed, as we climbed in his van. I was placed between Ross and Rocky, they always did this to me!

"Guuuuuyss! Please let me sit with the girls?" I begged. They shook their heads. I noticed J sitting In the front and Delly at the back. They had us completely separated. "Ooohh nooo no no no! You ALWAYS start talking about crap! Like shoes and make up!" Ross stated. I pouted the whole way to the beach, not speaking to anyone.

Ross's POV:

When we reached the beach we jumped out the van, and quickly set everything up. "MAN I LOVE THE BEEEAAACH!" I hollered. I saw Riker setting up a BBQ, yum! I started to walk around a bit, when I was far enough away from everyone I stopped. I needed to think, it was going to be six months with the most beautiful girl I had ever met soon, I need a great date! Suddenly a shimmer of blue caught my eye, I decided to investigate. Following the shimmer, I found myself in a little cave. It was hidden by a small water fall, that flowed into the sea, it was tall enough to stand up in.

I wondered how far under I was? It reminded me of the cave in the nickolodian show H20, ya know the mermaid one? Yeah it was just like that! I think I found where to bring Kate! Smiling I made my way back to my family. "ROSS! Where have you been?" Kate asked, I shrugged.

"I um went for a pee?" she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand. I noticed she was already in her yellow bikini. Control yourself Ross, I thought to myself. Reaching up, I took off my hot link t-shirt, tossed It on the sand and raced into the sea. Kate was hot on my heals as I dived head first into a wave.

When I popped back up, I saw everyone had joined us. "TRICKS!" Rudel shouted plunging under. Her legs came up in a perfect handstand. We all clapped and cheered, then it was Kates turn. "Ross, can I get on your back?" she asked I nodded and she climbed up. She stood on my shoulders, I held her legs so she wouldn't fall off. A second later she flipped off my back and landed perfectly in the sea.

She smiled as she came back up. "Wow!" Riker said. We praised her skills and took it in turns to do tricks. A while later, I was floating in the sea with my brothers and Ratliff. The girls where up on the beach tanning, I suddenly had an idea. "hey guys?"

"Yeah bro?" Rocky said, he was trying to catch a fish, with little success. I motioned for them to gather round, and began to explain.

Rydels POV:

I was lying on my bright pink towl, between J and it was HOT! I looked out over the sea and saw the boys huddling. "Er girls? What are they doing?" I asked sitting up. They sat up and looked over at them, both shrugging.

"I dunno, but it's not going to be good!" J said. I nodded, keeping my eye on the lads. Kate was watching them very closely, her eyes never left their bodies. "Their going to do something to us" she said, mysteriously.

At the moment all five boys made their way back over to us. We tensed, preparing for their attack. they just casually flopped down on their beach towels. "Sup" Riker said. I squinted at him, yup something was up.

I shrugged it off amd laid back down, Kate and J eventually did the same. We fell asleep, right there on the beach. Around twenty minuets later I woke up. Sitting up I let out a huge scream.

I was currently on a inflatable floaty, in the middle of the sea. I saw Kate and Jess bopping Infront of me, they where shouting and cursing. "IM SO GOING TO KILL YOU LYNCHS! AND ELLINGTION YOUR SO DEAD ASWELL!" Jess shouted. Looking back over to the beach I saw all the boys waving at us, Ross was rolling around clutching his sides.

"They think it's funny!!" I exclaimed. Both girls cursed some more, I swore lightly, I couldn't believe this! We started paddling back, being careful not to get knocked off. The boys were in hysterics, we were halfway back by now. Jess was grumbling about how she hated them and whoever came up with this was going to be hung drawn and quartered!

We reached the sand and jumped off. The boys suddenly stopped laughing and looked terrified. We growled and approached them. Every step we took forward, they took one back. "GET 'EM!" I shouted. The boys dashed off, spraying sand as they went. We where about to chase them when Jess stopped us.

"Guys! Pack up the stuff! Rydel drive us home, quick!" we nodded and started loading everything in the van. We jumped in and drove off, laughing all the way. Out of the rear view mirror I saw the boys watching as we drove away im Rikers van.

When we reached home we dumped the stuff in Rocky and Rikers room and sat on the sofa to watch tv. Two hours later the door slammed open. We looked up and saw all the boys, they were sweaty and panting. They looked really angry. "Gees what took you so long? Why are you all sweaty?" Jess smirked. Kate and I laughed. Payback was sweet!

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