noodles - Song Mingi

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It was a Friday, you and Mingi where at the shop for food. He was cutely staring at the noodles, picking out which to buy as you held the trolley with one hand.

"Get the beef, it's my favourite!" He looked at you for second, then pouted.

"But y/n, we always get that one." He looked so innocent without all his make up on, he gave the cutest little smile. You had to give in.
He picked up the chicken pack and placed it in the trolley. You stared at him, he could see you really wanted the beef. You put you hands together and gave him the most angelic smile so he picked up the beef pack as well and placed it next to the chicken.

"Just this once." You grinned cheekily and started to push the trolley.

"Cereal?" You asked, looking up at Mingi, who nodded softly.

It was so nice to be able to spend this time with him, laughing and giggling, making jokes. He meant the world to you and was your favourite person to be around. You felt the most comfortable with him.

He grabbed you the Frosties from one of the top shelves in the cereal isle and placed it in the trolley along with your noodles. He glanced at you for a second before he moved closer so he could hold your face gently in both of his hands. His face lit up and he looked into your eyes.

"I really am so lucky." He said.


"No I am!" He kissed you softly on the lips, and then took a step back so he could fully admire you.

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