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Better. And faster, and stronger, and smarter. And wiser. Always trying to get a little of those things. We are trying to get wiser. That's one of those things, wisdom. Which, technically, wisdom comes from experience. So, how you do garner experience? By making yourself live a longer life? Doesn't exactly work that way. So what do we do to garner wisdom? We look to the past. You got to know your past, you got to know your history. History revolves around war. In many ways, history is war. And war is a human endeavour. The worst of human endeavours, but it is an endeavour none the less. And because it is a human endeavour, it reflects human nature. That's why we can learn so much from war, not just about the war itself, but about men. About human nature. And the same goes for principles of war. The principles of war can be applied to life, can be applied to businesses, can be applied to every human endeavour. It can be applied to relationships. A full spectrum of application. Nobody teaches you to use them. To consider the rules of war being applied to the real, humane world.

When you sleep, the morning comes quickly. It's kinda funny, really. When one's awake, the time goes by so slowly sometimes. Especially when there is nothing to do. Sleep at a certain degree was just like that - nothing to do, but lay on your back or a side with closed eyes, and... Do nothing. And yet, the time becomes a flooded river. It's enough to close your eyes and look, a moment later you open them again. 

At least that was how Clara felt right now, as she went through her routine, preparing for the mysterious conference that Bruce so insistently asked her to attend. This morning, the woman omitted her usual weight-lifting routine for a calmer yoga practice. There had to be a balance in one's physical training, after all, and Clara had made sure a long time ago to develop a well-rounded physique to accomplish those various goals. Weightlifting was used to develop a strong body frame, strength and musculature. But whilst training only that way, soon one would run into an issue of becoming sluggish, slow and inflexible, and being that way in the military was hardly ideal. Therefore, you have to implement some form of cardio to keep your cardiovascular system in check, and stretching to maintain the mobility of the body. Yoga was always a great option in this field, forcing the woman to both stretch her body, and also maintain mental focus. It was tough, to say the least. Anyone who said that yoga is for the weak probably has never had a proper yoga session. It was a martial art you do against yourself.

The surgeon was quick to get ready. Rather formal attire was taken out of the wardrobe - short-sleeved grey button-up shirt and black, straight pants. The majority of her clothes consisted of the same style, after all. By constantly having suitable wear was simply a matter of time-saving. You don't have to think much about what to wear when almost everything is appropriate. The weather outside seemed nice and warm, so she could omit the jacket this time.

When Clara finally made it to the location where the press conference was set in, it was almost saddening that such a nice morning would be started inside a stuffy room full of people. Reporters, cops, the general public.

"Another inspirational speech, huh?" The surgeon stepped behind a dark-haired, tall man in a dark, striped suit. He flinched, startled from her voice. Clara manoeuvred around his frame, taking her position next to Wayne.

"Not really, Clara. Not this time. Though I'm glad you could make it." Bruce's voice was void of any emotions, posture rigid, indicating something unpleasant coming.

"I keep my promises."

"I know." Before either of them could say anything, the man of the hour, Harvey Dent, stepped on the podium. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I've called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly, to assure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killing is being done." With half-hooded eyes, Clara watched the White Knight moving his head, trying to create an illusion of making eye contact with everybody in the room. "Secondly, because the Batman has offered to turn himself in." The crowd around her reacted, and this time, she stiffened just like Bruce next to her. "But first, let's consider the situation: should we give in to this terrorist's demands? Do we really think that - "

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