Kahaku river

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5 years have passed since Chihiro met Haku. Huka is always on Chihiro mind, she thinks about him all the time and dreams about meeting him again, when will they meet again?,  Haku and Chihiro are still in love with each other, but won't admit their love but Huka time is short in the human world, Will they confess there love before Haku runs out of time?

Chihiro P.O.V: I can still feel the warmth of Haku hand on mine, everytime i close my eyes i just keep re-living the moments in my head, and everythime i fall alseep i can hear him calling me. Nights are long, I sit by my window wishing, hoping our paths will cross again and it wasnt  just an amazing adventure.

everyday has been the same for the past 5 years, everyday I run home from school quickly change in to my top and shorts, grab my old, tatty sketch book and leave. I walk up and old, dusty, dirty road till i get  to the entance of the spirit world, I  sit next to the stone statue looking in to the darkness of the entance re-living everythink that had happened  in my head and just hoping Haku would walk out of the darkness but untill then ill just sit and wait, drawing in my tatty sketch book of all the spirits i had met but it was mostly filled with sketchs of Haku

I havnt told anyone what had happen, i mean my parents dont remember a thing although i wished they did, i could tell them about how Haku saved me and all the crazy things i had seen in the spirit world. I just feel alone here like noone truely understands me not like Haku, Lin who looked after me int he bath house, Zeniba who was like a grandma to me, Kamaji who helped me  and No Face who was a warm hearted sprit).

I wished i didnt leave but i had to for my parents, even tho i had to work and it was exhausting, in a way i liked it, it gave me a purpose and i saw some incredible things and met some incredible spirits. Its been a long 5 years but Haku promise we would meet again, and i know he would never brake his promise.

I just hope evryone is doing alright and i hope Haku hasnt fallen in to Yubaba evil schemes.

Haku P.O.V:  Everytime i walk over the bridge i can still feel Chihiro tightly gripping to me, her arms wraped around mine. It was Chihiro who saved me, she believed in me when everyone else had given up, she gave me back my name and released me from Yubaba evil claws. You see with out her i would be dead, it was her love that broke the curse and set me free. I cant get her out of my head, her eyes sparkeld and her smile gave me butterflys. Everyday ill sit on the balcony and gaze into the sunset dreaming of when ill see her again.

Thanks to Chihiro, i get to spend everyday doing as i please. to be honest i spend most of my time in the boiler room with Kamaji. Me and Kamaji use to be really close but when i started to work for Yubaba, i was never really around and we grew distance. he said he didnt recognise me anymore but now im free of Yubaba spell everything is back to normal.

Kamaji is even helping me to travel to the human world. Its was going really wel untill we had to add something of Chihiro from the human world. we where stuck that was it, i would never see Chihirp again. i feel tomy knee and re-played everything me and Chihiro went though, then i came to a sudden realisation i wasnt gonna give up its just a little bum in the path, i never gave up on her and i wasnt gonna start now.  i know there was one thing i could try.

i grabbed my bags and headed to Swamp bottom, to see grandma maybe she had something of Chihiro. it felt like it took forever to reach Swamp bottom but it just took the same time as before but i guese this time was different. when i finally arrived to grandma house, i nocked loudly on the door 5 times, and a tall black shadow with only a mask as a face answered the door, it took me a second to recogise who he was it was No Face.

I rushed in "grandma, grandma" I shouted as loud as i could, and out of the dusty old back room she appeared, i sat her down and explaned to her what  was going on but shejust looked into my eyes and sadly replyed " i'm sorry Haku, i havent got anything, Chihiro took everything with her." I dont really know what happen for a while after that we both just sat in silence, i tryed to hold back my tears for as long as i could but the time dragged on and no one spoke, tears running down my cheeks i turned and look at the door that just slamed shut and a little red heir bend fell on to my lap, i looked up to see No Face. I grabed the little band in my hands tight and smiled "thank you, thank you so much" No Face just looked at me and made a slight smile as if to say "look after her". I scrambled to my feet and grabed my bag, hugged grandma and went to the door, i turned to No Face " hey No Face, thank you and dont worry ill take good care of her i know how much she means to you." i smiled and left back home it didnt take to long it was actually the quickest journey i have ever had.

I crashed though the boiler door, out of breath and stuttering Kamaji came over and looked at me, i lifted my hand and opend it. Kamaji took the small red hair band and added it to the potion, it started to bubble and pop and with one huge flash Kamaji held a little bottle of blue pebble looking things.

Kamaji looked at me and spoke in a calm but worried voice "look Haku, there are some things you need to know. you have 4 days in the human world as long as you eat one of those a day and on the 4th day you have to be at the entance by sunset and if you dont you will be stuck in the human world and you can never return to the spirit world, you will die, you cant change anything or use your powers. you will have to use a cover name with everyone but Chihiro and that will be..... Sam. Also this is for Chihro its a locket with a magic spell, when she opens it, it will play a moving picture off all of us in the spirit world so she never feels alone and on the other side of the locket there is a moving picture of you two. keep that safe and you have to leave before sun rise tomorrow. Just remember its the blue house on the hill now  get some sleep you are gonna need it, too get to the human world, good luck my friend"

I held the locket tight in the palm of my hand and wiped it into my pocket, i looked out of the window at the sunset and whispered "tomorrow, Chihiro we will meet again.." as soon as my head hit that pillow i was out cold, i just dreamed about see Chihiro smilling face again and being able to hug her and hold her tight in my arms. Morning couldnt come fast enough!

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