entering the human world

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Haku P.O.V:  My eyes opened to Kamaji packing a large tatty green bag, thowing in some of this and some of that. He looked at me and said "i have packed your bag, now go so you can see Chihiro,"  I rubbed my eyes, quickly thow on my top and trousers and grabbe the old bag thow it on my back and headed to the door but i felt like i need to properly thank Kamaji, i turned and looked at him dropping the bag and ran over and hugged him "thank you and i really mean it" Kamaji smiled. I slowly walked to the door picking the bag back up on my way,as i opene the door i turned to Kamaji, he had tears in his eyes. As i shut the door i  a heard a Kamaji say " good luck Haku" It brought a smile to my face, I shut the door and ran as fast as i could up the old, falling apart stairs then all the way to the entrance to the human world. 

I grabbed a little bottle out of my pocket and ate one of the little blue pebbles.  I took one step into the darkness and i felt a warmth over come me, I carefully made my way though the darkness as i walked out the other side the light was blinding, as my eyes adjusted standing in frount of me was Chihiro, as our eyes met she wrapped her arms around me so tight, and said though her tears " is it really you Haku?" i hugged her tighter and whispered "Yes, Chihiro its me, I have tryed for so long to be able to travel to your world" she hugged me tighter and we just stood there for while hugging. i heart was beating so fast and so loudly i could hear it, Chihiro took my breath way she looks so different but some how she looks the same.

Chihrio P.O.V:  Finally after a week of school it was the weekend. Today wasnt like any other day i felt like something was calling me so I jumped in the shower and throw on a top and some shorts then ran out the door and as fast as my legs would carry me i adventured up the old, muddy road witch i had walked up and down so many times in the last 5 years but this time felt so differnt. I could see the stone statue at the top of the road, i was going as fast as i could but it seemed to take longer then normal but i finally got to the top and i fell to the floor and just stared into the darkness.

Though the darkness i heard footsteps and they where getting closer, I stubbled to my feet and hid behind the statue suddenly out of the darkness there was a figure and not just any figure it was Haku, he stepped out in to the light and clossed his eyes, I jumped up and slowly walked over to him. Haku opened his eyes slowly and as he turned his head toward me, as our eyes met. I thow my arms around him and huged him tightly, i started to tear up but they were tears of joy, i softly said "is it really you Haku?" suddenly his grip around me got tighter and he whispered " yes, Chihiro its me, i have tryed for so long to be abled to travel to your wold" I tighted my hug and we just hugged for a little while. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, it was beating so fast.

P.O.V:  Chihrio quickly grabed Haku hand and led him as quickly as posible down the old muddy road untill they came to a old willow try witch had been growing in the town since Chihrio Grandad lived here. she sat himdown and just stared into his bright eyes and smiled, " I never tought i would of seen you agin Haku, how are you here? i thought you couldnt come though to the human world?" Chihrio wondered and Haku replyed " you see you left your hair band in our world and with that Kamaji  made some little blue tables that let me stay here, but i only have 4 days."  Chihrio just looked at Haku " well then if you only have 4 days we have a lot t get though. Haku just smiled at Chihrio. Chirhrio opened her bag and pulled out some Sushi, Onigiri and Edamame. they sat under the willow and they had a little picknick.

"Hey Haku, there is a fair today in town, do you want to go? it will be fun" Chihrio awkwardly looked away, she just stared now the road towards the center of town. Haku slid his hand up the right side of her head and turn her head towards him and then he lent forward and said " yeah it sounds fun, never been to a fair before" Chihrio looked in to Haku eyes then glansed at his mouth, back to his eyes then his lips again. She placed her hand on his iner leg. Haku lent in and their lips where about to meet when suddenly a car drove past and splashed Chihrio and Haku. they pulled away and just started to laugh at the fact of the car drving though that puddle, then Chihrio cleaned up all the food and empty boxs.

Haku grabed the bag and then grabed Chihrio by the hand and pulled her up to her feet, they walked down the street arm in arm. Haku bent down to a small bush on the side of the road and picked 4 flowers, and turn away from Chihrio and inertwined the flowers to create a flower crown he looked at Chihrio and placed the crown on her head, "beautiful, even more the normal" Chihrio huged Haku and said "awww thank you,  i love yo-........ hum i  love it. thank you." Haku smiled and wrapped his arm around her "off to the fair?", "yeah" Chihrio smile and nodded. They headed down the main road  towards the town center.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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