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Jisoo stumbled over to Y/N throwing her arms sloppily around her neck.

"Y/N I think I'm ready to go I am so drunk, and I want to just make out with someone."

She slurred.

You slightly frowned.

"Well you are definitely not going to makeout with me."

You say drapping an arm around her waist.

She giggled.

"I don't think I'd want to make out with my best friend."

She says, slurring again.

You giggled as well.

"Oh bestie who was that handsome man talking to you? Because like slide over his number plewese?."

Jisoo slurred, trying to focus on your face.

"I didn't get his number."

You reply.

She sighs loudly, crossing her arms the best she could.

"He would of been a great hook up for me."

She mumbles, glaring in your direction.

You slightly frowned.

Sometimes you disliked when Jisoo would drink, because sometimes she'd end up acting like that.

You did not like that side of her.

"Alright Ji, let's go home."

You say, grabbing her waist, and leading her towards the exit.

You reached into her purse and pulled out her car keys.

Just as you stepped outside, Jisoo, begins throwing up.

Eww gross, she better not throw up on me on the way home. You think to yourself.

She over did it tonight, and I guess she forgot that she was making out with some girl on the dance floor.

You think, hoping the drive wouldn't take so long.

You were focused on getting Jisoo in bed.


Ten minutes later you arrive at your complex, you give a sigh of relief and help Jisoo out of the car. 

"Come on Ji, let's get you to bed."

You begin walking to the building, you guys make it half way to the entrance, when she throws herself on the ground.

"Ji what are you doing?."

You ask, a but frustrated.

"Carry me."

She says, looking up at you.

"I can't carry you Ji, come on let's go to bed."

You say.



"Not untill you carry me."

You roll your eyes, and grab your now cracked phone.

Y/N began dialing a number.


A raspy voice picks up.

"Joon, get down here and carry Ji to my apartment she is being a pain in my ass. She said she wants me to carry her!."

You say, sounding annoyed.

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