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Y/N walked into the cafe and began looking around.

She did not see Yoongi yet.

Maybe he is running late?.

She thought to herself.

Or maybe he was going to stand her up?, because there was absolutely no way a handsome guy like him would be into her.

She thought to herself.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there."

A familiar voice said.

You turned.


He looked down at you, instantly giving you a gummy smile.

"Hey!. Seems like we enjoy bumping into each other."

He replied, chuckling.

You giggled.

"Come on, let's go find a table."

He says, and began leading the way.

. . .

"Hi! Are you two on a date how lovely, I wish my husband would take me out."

You both look up, and smile at the woman before you, she was in her late forties.

Yoongi smiled, and nodded.

"Can I have a tomato omelette with an americano."

The woman smiled, and began writing down his order.

"How about you?."

He asked, looking in your direction.

"I'll have a spinach omelette, and a Cappuccino."

You reply.

"Will that be it?."


"Okay, coming right up."

She replied, and walked away.

"I am so sorry, I might sound like an asshole, but I totally don't remember asking for your name."

Yoongi replied, as a light blush crept up on his cheeks.

You laugh, taking a sip of your cappuccino.

"My name is, Y/N."

You reply smiling.

"I am sorry for not asking sooner.

He replied.

You giggled.

"It is okay."

You reply.


The two of you enjoyed your time together, you guys were mostly talking and sharing stories.

You really enjoyed his company.

"Sorry for my intrusion, but here is the bill."

The waitress said, placing it down on the table.

You and Yoongi both reached for it at the same time, your finger tips brushing, you felt your fingers tingle at his touch.

"I got it."

The two of you say in unison.

Yoongi chuckled.

"I asked you out, so there is no way, I am letting you pay."

He replied, gently sliding the bill towards him.

You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat.

He was so sweet and so handsome.

"Fine, but next time, I am paying."

You reply.

Yoongi smirked.

"So you are hoping for a second date?."

He asked, in a teasing tone of voice.

"I mean if you want. . ."

He cut you off.

"Of course I want a second date."

He said, chuckling once again, as he got up from the table and went up to pay for the breakfast.

After he finished paying, he came and sat back down.

"Thank you Yoongi, for a lovely breakfast, I really enjoyed myself."

You say smiling shyly.

"Of course. I enjoyed myself too. I am looking forward to our second date."

He replies smiling.

You smile back.

"I am too."

"So what do you want to do, the day is still young."

He says, glancing over at you.

"We can go. . ."

*Ring Ring Ring.*

"Aish, I am so sorry, but it's my work. I should answer it. If it was anyone else I would ignore it."

He replied laughing.



"Okay, I'll be there."

Finally he hung up.

"I am so sorry Y/N but my manager needs me to come in and meet with someone."

Yoongi replied.

You give him a smile.

"No problem, work is important, but since we had to cut it short, you do owe me a second date."

You say, giggling.

"Of course, how about friday?."

"Friday at what time?."

"I'll text you with the deets."

He replies, smiling.

"Okay?. Should I be worried?."

You ask.

He chuckles.

"No. I'll text you later okay?."

You nod.

"Okay, have a nice day."

You reply, as the two of you walk out the building.

You wave to eachother and go your separate ways.

You couldn't help but smile.

You really enjoyed yourself, and you were definitely looking forward to your second date.


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