Chapter Eight (Final)

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The two of them talked about trivial things, like work and friends but just enough for me to gather, they didn't live together. I secretly watched the two of them. They were grown ups, I wondered how old they were, they seemed a lot older than me.

"How are you feeling?" Sinead asked me.

"A lot better thanks." I replied her, turning round and smiling. As I properly saw her face, I was dazzled by how beautiful she was, and as I saw her eyes look into mine, I guess she was dazzled by how ugly I must have looked. The journey was more or less in silence, I'd told Michael my address, but I didn't recognise where we were really, about ten minutes into the drive, the car slowed down.

"Thanks babe." Sinead said to Michael, she got her bag and things and got out. She came round to my side and Michael put the window down, she looked in, I could smell her strong perfume as she peered her perfect face in.

"Have a good day." He said to her and gave her a wink. I wish I had a boyfriend. Sinead smiled then looked at me.

"Make sure you get some rest." She said to me.

"Thanks, it was nice to meet you." I replied, Sinead walked off, her heels clip clopping and her ponytail swishing, she was not unlike Lani, if a little more mature and classy. The car took off again.

Again we were in silence. Before I'd wanted to make conversation but once I'd seen Sinead, I figured what was the point. After about seven minutes though, Michael began to speak.

"You mind if I say something?" he said. I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me at all, he was focused on the road.

"Sure." I replied.

"You seem quite young, and I get, you just want to enjoy yourself, but believe me, you don't need to get smashed to do that." He said. We sat in silence. Okay so I'm not a huge fan of condescending talk.

"I actually wasn't that drunk, I was sick, and it made me dizzy." I replied.

"You were bloody plastered!" He said.

"I was not! I was faint, you should bloody know because I fainted." I retorted. Michael shook his head, not believing a word.

"You don't need alcohol to have a good time, you seem like a smart girl, just don't try to follow the crowd." He went on.

"Okay can we not please." I interrupted. "Thanks for helping me, but you're actually no one to me." I said. My heart was racing, I wasn't the combative type, but I guess everything that had happened had taken a toll on my normal compliant self. He looked at me and grinned a little.

"Your friends must be very worried." He said changing the subject.

"Doubt it." I said, looking out the window. We were finally near to my house.

"Number 72" I told him. He pulled up a little ways off from my door. I'm not sure if he did that in case my parents were around, but either way I'm glad he did, just in case my parents were around. Michael turned off the engine and looked around.

"So this is where you live then?" He asked, I nodded silently. "I remember I used to go to the park up the road from here with my cousins, when we were younger" he recalled.

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