Reaper Sans x Geno

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Geno's pov.

    Reaper and I have been best friends for years. He is the best friend I could ask for, but lately he hasn't been himself. Every day he would ask me how I was and If I could come over to his place when he was bored. He gets bored easily so I'd be over most of the time, but he hasn't talked to me in weeks and I'm starting to worry if he's okay.
*Le tem skip brought to you by me not making my bed

I would say I've had a normal day today but I have nothing to do so I just sat on my phone playing games. When I got a notification. IT WAS REAPER!! He asked me to come over to his house for a few hours. I happily accepted and started to get ready. When I was ready I walked over to Reapers house,  it's 5 minutes away and I need my exercise. I turned a corner and saw Reapers house a few houses from where I was standing.  I walked up to the porch and got really nervous. I never get nervous around people, especially Reapers.  'Okay Geno,  this will be fine.  It's just Reaper. He asks you to come over all the time...........  Or at least,  he used to.

Reapers pov
I can tell Geno's worried about me,  but I can't stand being around him anymore.  Yeah,  we've been friends forever.  And no,  I don't hate him.  I couldn't stand being around him ever sense I started to have a little crush on him. I ignored the feelings for him at first,  but it slowly  progressed into having a HUGE crush on him.  Whenever he came over I got so nervous wondering of he would ever like me back.  For the past few weeks I stopped inviting him over,  problem solved,  right?  Wrong.  I hated him being gone,  but it wasn't better than having him over knowing he would reject me.
I decided to text Papyrus to get him to come home so I could talk to him about this.  The text read,  "Heya,  can you come over?  I need to talk to you."
I waited 4 or 5 minutes and Papyrus didn't come.  I checked my phone to see if he was coming.
SHIT!  I read who I sent it to. IT.  WAS.  GENO. I started to panic. He couldn't come over!  Oh god oh god oh god.
I looked out the window only to see Geno walking up my porch.
What am I gonna do?!?!?!!

Yay!  Cliffhangers (kinda)!  Anyway,  hope you enjoyed my trashy writingBye my clouds <3

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