Chapter One

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"So are you going to tell me about that fine ass dude you was talking to last night at the party?"

"Girl I don't know what you are talking about Char. You must've been drunk."

"Oh I was drunk, ain't no doubt about that. You definitely know who I'm talking about so tell me now ma'am. Charmaine said folding her arms."

"Ugh! Jhalyssa sighed rolling her eyes. His name is Romelle and yes he is fine as hell. I didn't want to tell you about him until after our first date. Don't want to get my hopes up, you know how these fools can be these days."

"Well I say he's a keeper. That nigga got it going on in every way. I saw how you were acting around him. He had you eating out the palm of his hands and he ain't even hit it yet Charmaine laughed."

"Girl stop playing. I was not. I just didn't want to look like the rest of them thirsty broads that was there. It worked too cause he couldn't take his eyes off me."

"That's what I'm talking bout sis work that shit! All you gotta do is play hard to get with these niggas and they putty in yo hands. Real men want a lady not a thirst thot she laughed."

"I know that's right Jhalyssa said sipping her cappuccino. I'm gone take it extra slow with this one cause I'm not trying to end up with another Mike. You know what a disaster that was."

"Well you can tell by the way he look that he is nothing like Mike. As a matter of fact, I don't think God is cruel enough to make another Mike. That boy was a hot ass mess sis. I honestly don't know how you stayed with him for as long as you did."

"You know Char they say you have to do things in your own time. I guess it was finally time to let him go, cause I was so tired of his ass. The Lord knows when enough is enough and will tell you its time to move on from a messed up situation."

"Hell yeah he does. I had the same problem with Calvin before Jordan and I got together. Girl you know he took me through the fire and back. I let him go when I needed to and God sent me my boo. He swept me off my feet and I've loved his big head ass since. Just cause I like to have good time and flirt a little doesn't mean I dont love him. That's my heart right there girl Char said with a huge smile."

"Girl I know you love his stinky self, but you do need to ease up a bit with the flirting cause all it takes is the wrong fool to get the wrong idea and then me and Jordan go have to go to jail. You know these fools around here are hard up and desperate. Besides, Jordan is all you need to be flirting with. He don't like that shit Char, and you know I think of him as my brother. So stop playing with us before we have to spank that ass girl!"

"Jha if you wasn't my best friend I'd fight you right now Char laughed. I see what you saying though sis, you right about that. I don't want to lose him over something like that."

"I know so cut it out heffa. That's exactly why I gotta take it slow with Romelle. I don't want to go down that road again. I like him so far even though we only talked for a few hours. I think he could the one. We'll know for sure after a couple of dates."

"Yea well while you going on your dates Jordan, Kaleb, and I will be running background checks on his perfect ass. He may be fine, but he can also be crazy as hell. You know I'll roll up on a motherfucker about you. So when ya'll going out?"

"We haven't talked about that yet. We just exchanged numbers and went our seperate ways. I was waiting for him to make the first move and call me. I dont want to seem desperate. So I'm going to let him persue me. Trust I left him with more than one reason to hit me up, plus he did ask for my number so i'm just waiting  on him to make a move."

"Okay now I see you Jha. Thats right make him come to you. Lets see how bad he want to get to know you. If he's truly interested he'll make all the moves a man should make to win your time and affection. For now I'm hungry ass hell girl and this breakfast ain't enough. Lets go to Ihop and eat. I'm craving omelettes and stuffed pancakes."

"Oh shit, is somebody expecting?"

"Yea expecting some real damn food and not this bird food you done had me eating these last few days. Whats wrong with Char laughed."

"You will be OK, just eat some more. You never know when you go need to fit into a dress or something and yo ass than got hella big. All them shakes and brunch burgers you been eating."

"Ooh I know you didn't just call me fat bitch Char laughed throwing a grape at Jha head. I'm go have to cut you now."

"Now now now Jha laughed! I said your ass got fat, as in your ass you sitting on."

"oh well Jordan likes it so we good but I'm still go have to cut you."

"Anyway, just hurry up so we can get to the cafe. i got a new recipe i want to try out before we open up. Those banana moon pie cheesecakes are selling like its the last piece of food on earth."

"I told you those things were addictive. The more we make the more we sell. The more we sell the more money we make. So, we doing good if you ask me."

"You right about that. I think I just might invite Romelle to the cafe for lunch. Or, I can have Kaleb put the word out to him about the cafe so he can just so happen to bump into me there."

"See now you talking, that will definitely light some fire under his ass about asking you out sooner."

"I know right. All men love to eat, and when he taste my cooking you know its a wrap. I'm gonna have Kaleb set that up right now. In the meantime lets get going."

"Alright I'm already in the car, and don't forget to grab my stash girl you know I need it to deal with Gerald's corny ass. He works my nerves so bad I wanna stuff his ass in the storage freezer."

Jhalyssa and Charmaine hopped in the car and drove straight for the cafe. They had the hottest cafe in the city, and business was growing faster than they ever imagined. People lined up out the door just to get some of their food. The Hot Pot was the name, although they swear they're going to change it, was taking customers in a new direction. They enjoyed every minute of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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