What is happening?!

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Chad Leand in and kisses me on the lips. I close my eyes, then notice what is actually happening and quickly open the back up in shock. I push my self back as hard as I can, and fall on the floor. Chad ran over to me. "Hey! Are you okay?!" He holds out his hand. "Chad! Why did you do that?!" He looks me in my eyes and tell me "Well... The first time I saw you this morning... My heart beaded fast. I couldn't hold back anymore... And I also herd what your friends said..." My face starts to be flushed with redness with emotions like excitement, embarrassed, angry, scared, worried. All those emotions where all flying around me. Then.... A teacher runs towards Chad and I. The teacher said "HEY! GET YOUR HAND AWAY FROM THAT GIRL!! YOU NEVER EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON A WOMAN!!" Chad and I are in shock looking at the teacher. "I-I didn't h--" says Chad, I interrupt Chad "He didn't do anything... He was just helping me up cause I fe-" the teacher screams "I don't care!!!! You both are going to the office right now!!" The teacher grabs Chad by the shirt, and pushes both of us to the office. "He was just trying to help me up!!!" I say yelling at the teacher. "Yeah right!" The teacher yells back. He pushes us both in the Principals office and tells Mr. Jason what he saw, then he leaves the room quickly. Mr. Jason stares at both of us. "So... I was never expecting you here Madison... And defiantly not expecting you Chad, especially because you are a new student at our school!" I look over at Chad with an angry look. I say to Mr. Jason "The teacher was wrong... I fell and Chad was offering to help me up.." Mr. Jason looks at me "Well... What that teacher told me, sounded like Chad hurt you" Chad tells Mr. Jason "I didn't hurt her... I promise sir." The teacher looks at the monitor and points at it. "Well let's see what actually happened, those record what happens in the hallway." I stare at Chad with my eyes wide open. Chad stares the sane way back at me. I whisper to Chad "See! This all wouldn't of happened if you didn't do that!" Mr. Jason clears his throat "So... Let's go see." We all move quickly over to the monitor. The principal skips the footage, then stops when he sees Chad and I. I look away from the monitor and stare at Chad with anger as I see him smiling and blushing at the footage. The teacher starts laughing. "Hahahahaha! So that's what happened with you too!" We all walk back over to our chairs. My face goes red. "OH MY GOD S-" Chad covers my mouth. He whispers to me "Just let me talk, don't say a word, please...." I close my eyes and cover my ears. I can kinda hear Mr. Jason laughing now and then. Finally, a while later... There done with the conversation and the principal escorts us out of the office. Chad says "Finally we are out!" I glance over at Chad "Do you not remember what happened?! Oh my god you don't even care that you kissed me!!..." And I start walking fast as my face turns red. Chad says "Hey..! Wait... Please Maddi...." I turn around. "Why?! You got me in so much trouble... Plus you kissed me! And we just met when school first started this morning...!" He runs up to me. "I'm sorry..." He says in his cute voice. I try not to forgive him, but I'm a very Forgiving person. "I-it's okay... N-now let's go!" I grab Chads hand and start running. "Wait... What time is it?" Chad cheeks his watch. "It's 1:50!" I start running faster. "We are late to our last class, Engineering!" We run in the door. "Hey my favorite girl Maddi!" Misses Woods says happily. "Aha heyyy~" misses Woods looks at Chad. "Who is this handsome boy? Your boyfriend hahaha." The class starts laughing. "Uh.. No-" Chad interrupts "Yes~ This is my girlfriend, and I'm her boyfriend." Chad pulls me closer to him. My face gets red and I looked very shocked. "Oh really?! Aww that's so cute! I'll let you two lovers sit together." She points to two empty seats that are next to each other "go sit over there you two!" Chad and I walk to the back as I look down. I could hear people saying things like "Wow. This is his first day here and he already has a girlfriend!" And other things like "There so cute!" I sit down in my chair trying to avoid Chad. "Hey..." Chad try's to say to me. I look further away and cross my arms like a little kid would do. It finally becomes the end of the day. Amaya comes up to me "Ooooo! You guys are together! I knew it!" I stare at Amaya "..." I stay very silent. Kassie walks on the other side of me and she puts up heart signs. I walk out of the school building and Amaya and Kassie go on there buses while I walk home. "Man... This is going to be a longggggg walk..." I go into the woods cause that's the fastest way home to my house. I heat someone running behind me. I start walking faster, I didn't want to look behind me because I was to scared. It comes behind me and hugs my from behind. I scream "HEY WHO ARE YOU?!?! GET OFF OF ME!!! AH-" Then that person says "Hey.. Calm down.... It's just me" I feel the persons breath by my neck. And I feel a soft kiss on my cheek close to my neck. "CHAD?!?!" I push his hands away and turn and stare at him. "Do you think this is a joke?! Don't ever do that again Chad!" Chad looks down and gets on his knees. "Please forgive me... I couldn't control myself!" He puts his puppy face on and stares up at me. "J-just please don't do that Chad..." I start walking away slowly "Wait... Chad? Why are you coming this way? To just bother me more?!" Chad gets up off the ground. "No... I live on manches road so, I came this way and followed you~!" My eye starts twitching. "That's where I live..! J-just let's go... And forget about what you did to me today.." We start walking home, then after a little while we hear a tree start to rustle. Chad and I look around. We could hear it getting closer. Chad grabbed me and picked me up. He ran as fast as he could with me in his arm. "C-chad? let me down!" I whisper. "Shhh calm down, and stay quiet..." He says quietly.

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