chapter three

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MinGi was driving towards Charles's house and he put on the radio. The song Bling Bling by ikon was on the radio and I was singing along to it when MinGi said, "You can sing?" "Yeah have you not heard me in the shower or I don't know all my talent shows?" I asked. "When you are in the shower, I tune you out and at the talent shows, I tune you out too" MinGi said. "Jezz thanks" i said punching him on the arm. He just chuckled. What an a**hole. We finally pull up to Charles's house, he comes out 30 seconds we have been there and walks towards the car. He sees me and groans. Well I'm just loving today aren't I. Note the the sarcasm. "What is she doing here? No offense, but still what happen to out plan?" Charles said while whispering the last part. "She said something about saving energy, I don't know she kept talking and it was getting annoying, so we'll do it another day" MinGi said. "What were you guys going to bang each other or something? Cause MinGi really, I had no idea you were gay" I said smirking. I only said that because they were butts for not wanting me here. "WE ARE NOT HOOKING UP!" they both said in unison. I just busted out laughing. "I know guys, I just wanted to you reactions" I said while calming down. They just rolled their eyes and went into their own conversation leaving me out.

On the way to school, they talked about food, sports and girls. I tuned them out. I saw the school and got excited. Not because I love school but because I could get out of this stupid car. MinGi pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car, I got out of the car and started towards the main building. I looked behind me to see if MinGi was coming, when I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" I said blushing because the guy was really hot. "It's alright" he said smiling. I just smiled back. "What's your name?" "Jessica" I said. "No, what's your full name?" He asked. "Song Jessica" I said. "Alright, Song Jessica, I'm Park Seonghwa" "Well Seonghwa, my sister and I need to go so bye" MinGi said grabbing my arm and leading me towards the office. "What's was that for?" I asked mad because I might've made a new friend or boyfriend. "That guy is trouble Jess, trust me" Charles said coming up behind MinGi. "And how would you know?" I asked. "I just do, he's the school player besides San" Charles said giving me a Stern look. "Choi San?" I asked hoping there was another San at this school. "That's the one" Charles said.

My heart literally sunk, I thought San could be someone I could have a long term relationships but I guess all he wants is sex and heartbroken girls and I rolled my eyes at how someone likes seeing people get hurt. Do they think they are so cool by humping then dumping? Well to me, they look like complete idiots who don't know how to respect a girl. God, I'm getting so work up about my neighbor being a player.

Charles left us to go too his locker while we head to the office, MinGi opens the door for me and I walk in. I see a familiar body standing so that his back is facing me, talking to the lady at the desk. He finishes talking to the lady and turns around I see it was San and he smiles at me. I rolled my eyes in responds. He gives me a confused look but continues out the door. I'm glad MinGi didn't see the way I acted towards him because my brothers don't know I talk or talked to him at night. "How can I help you two?" The lady said with a smile. "I'm Song MinGi and this my sister Song Jessica....we are new here and wondering if we could get out schedules and locker numbers, please" MinGi said. God what a kiss up, I thought to myself. "Yes, one second so I can print them out" I just smiled in return.

She handed us our schedules and we left. MinGi and I only have P.E together. We parted out ways so we wouldn't be to late to our class. My first class was pre-algebra, I walked into the class when the teacher look at me through the top of her glass. "Ummm... I'm Song Jessica and I'm new here" I said scanning the room when my eyes land on a very attractive guy. Damn, this school should called 'All Hot Guys High School.' he has a smirk on his face knowing I was checking him out. I have no shame of checking out some guy. If he's hot, he's hot. I notice that there was only one seat open and that was next to him. "Earth to Jessica?" The teacher said. I turned my head back to her. "If you weren't checking out Mr. Kim here, you would have heard me say to take your seat next to him." I just nodded and sat down. I just a little embarrassed that she caught me checking him out. "What's your name?" He whispered. "Song Jessica" I whispered back. "So, you're the girl that Choi won't shut up about" he said. WHAT?! I turned to say something when the teacher said, "if you two don't stop talking, then I will give you both detention" we nodded our heads and didn't talk for the rest of the class.

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