Chapter 8

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“ One love  
I will stand right here  
I will stay the same  
By your side, forever  
By your side, for life ”  

Seongwu went home after running away from the restaurant. He really doesn't know how he got home despite being his mind is in a mess. He choose this. He choose to help him despite all of their friends warning that it was a stupid idea. He knows that it will hurt him but still push through it. He thought he will be okay because he already accepted the fact that Daniel is in love with someone else but that moment happening right before his eyes. Daniel confessing and Sooyoung accepting him that when reality hit him so hard.

Shit! That hurts a lot!

The dorm is dark and cold. He guess Minhyun is staying at Jaehwan's. He gladly he was because he doesn't want Minhyun to be worried for him and telling him that he is right. He just slump at their couch and trail of tears left his eyes. And slowly he cried his heart out. He wants to be happy to Daniel but his heart is telling him otherwise. He was blaming himself too for falling in love with his friend. He just want Daniel to be happy but why does he have to go through it?

A doorbell interupt Seongwu's thoughts and he immediately wiped his tears. He opened the door and shocked to see Daniel standing in front of it.


"Hyung! Oh my god! What happened to you? Are you okay? The waiter and chef told me that you just went home right after the event" Daniel asked him so many questioned.

"What are you doing here? Are you supposed to be still on your date?" Seongwu just shot him a question.

"Right after my confession to Sooyoung, I went to the kitchen to find you. To tell you her answer. But the waiter told me that you went home. I got so worried that I ask Sooyoung if we can continue our date tomorrow as I know you are not feeling well today. Did you cry hyung?"

"A-Ah right! I was eating too much inside the kitchen while waiting and my stomach gets hurt that's why I went home. But I'm okay now. Sorry i didn't tell you earlier. I interrupted your date" Seongwu avoidee the last question.

"No no hyung. Its okay. I'm glad you are okay. Please next time tell me if you are ill or hurting okay?"

Can I tell you now that I'm hurting? Seeing you. Talking to you right now hurting me too?

"Okay Daniel. Sorry again. So what happened? D-Did she say yes?"

Daniel worried face turned into a big smile "Oh right! Guess what? Sooyoung just say yes. She's my girlfriend now hyung. I'm so happy right now."

Seongwu just forced to smile at Daniel

"Really? I'm glad. Told you she will say yes"

"Yes hyung" And Daniel suddenly hugged him. Seongwu freeze. "Thank you so much hyung. If you weren't there to help me, I don't think I can do all of it. I'm so glad I have you as my friend"

This hug. Seongwu know that it will be the last time. He will treasure it.He needs to move on and let go Daniel. He needs to be genuinely happy for him. He slowly removed himself from the hug

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