The Plan

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They sat in the motel room Penney and Forest stayed in the other night. Penney and Forest sat on the edge of the beds while Crystal sat in a chair and Trent leaned against the wall

"we'll all need at least a month of training" Forest said

"and a headquarters" Crystal said

they all nodded in agreement. Trent was gazing over at Forest in awe

"Old creek!" Crystal said

"wait! what!?" Trent said "Crystal no!"

"but Trent nobody lives there anymore and nobody ever will!" Crystal protested against her brother

"we also need a leader" Penney spoke up trying to stop them from fighting "and also fighting against ourselves will solve nothing"

"fine" the brother and sister mumbled

"who'll be the leader then?" Trent asked

"I think Penney should" Forest said

"why me!" Penney asked

"your closer to the clowns and have had more training" Forest said

"that sorts that" Crystal said "Penney's our leader"

"hey-" Penney tried to interject

"yeah I agree with that and her skill is unreal so it seems right" Trent agreed

the three nodded their heads getting a glare off Penney

"where's Old creak and why is it abandoned?" Penney asked

"old creek used to be a small village until a chemical mixed with the water pump in the village center where everyone got their water" Trent explained "people started either getting powers, died but only a few survived"

"that was in nineteen eighty three!" Crystal sighed

"and it might-" Trent started

"we're going there" Penney declared

"but-" Trent began

Penney gave him a glare before he sighed and Crystal with Penney walked infront while Trent and Forest walked behind

"so your Forest" Trent said

"yeah" Forest said coldly

"so what's your story" he asked

"what do you mean?" Forest

"your enimie, your mentor, your family?" he said

Forest looked at the ground and kicked a twig. She stayed silent the walk to old creak. Penney and Crystal were a good two metres away from them and were already looking for a place with a basement

"found one!" Crystal cried out flying out of the house

they all walked in the stone built house. The place was left the way it was. The couch, a small table and a book self was in the sitting room. The kitchen was like any normal kitchen and the rest of the house was three bedrooms and a bathroom with a basement downstairs

"I bids this room!" Crystal and Penney yelled running into two different rooms

"guess we have to share" Trent said

Forest smirked and went into the basement to find it had another room

"guess not" she said

"okay we need to get some computers, a GPS tracking system-"

"steady down Penney" Trent said "where we going to find all this?"

the three girls looked at each other and back to the boy "we do what we always do" Crystal said "steal it!"

Penney QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now