Higher Education

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(A Gold x Female Reader.

This one gets filthy, so I hope it makes up for the fact that I haven't written a story on him yet.


"SIT DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION!" The ruler slammed against the desk at the front, making the entire class jump and flinch at the sudden sound. If that didn't get their attention, the teachers' scream certainly did. His glare pierced through everyone's souls, and you actually got chills. A few of the students mumbled half-hearted apologies as they shuffled back to their seats. You, on the other hand, hadn't moved. The bell hadn't rung quite yet, and you knew your English teacher wasn't one to piss off.

Still, you couldn't wait for the class to finally end, fidgeting silently as you watched the clock. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy your upcoming class, it was that it was the last one of the day. And a rather pleasant one, at that.

Your English teacher opened his mouth to speak, blue eyes still glaring, but the bell at last rang. The class as a whole got up and scurried out the door, pushing one another in an effort to get the hell away from Mr. Fazbear. Freddy Fazbear wasn't a bad teacher, per se, he just had some super strict policies for his classes. But he was fair, and turned surprisingly kinder when a student needed help.

He just didn't tolerate bullshit.

With a sigh of relief you made a beeline for your final class. The teacher was much more easygoing... and it certainly didn't hurt to watch him teach, either.

There were two Fazbear teachers in the school, and it was no competition between the two; you much preferred the blond one. He was soft-spoken and gentle, yet firm when he had to be. Which wasn't often, considering how the female students all adored him and followed his instructions to a T.

He smiled as you hurried your way into his class and sat down, and you tried to return the kind gesture but failed, turning a bright red instead. Gold approached you, towering in his height and build as he came closer. "I'm afraid I'll need you to stay late after my class, darling." He coughed and made a face, though a slight one. "I am sorry, that was a slip of the tongue. But you'll need to stay late nonetheless."

Shit. What the hell did you do? Your heart began to pound as the rest of the class poured into the room, trying to figure out just what the hell had gone wrong for you to have to stay late.

We had a test the other day... did I not pass it?

Once class began, the teacher looked a little more grim than usual. "I must say I'm disappointed in all of you," he began, "your last test results were, suffice to say, abysmal. But I am not without reason and will allow those of you who wish to receive a higher grade to retake it." There was a collective groan; as well-liked as Gold Fazbear was, his classes were tough. Even in such a simple subject like health. Then he smiled. "You all act as though everyone has failed. I assure you, everyone did NOT fail. Only a select few," he added, his eyes meeting yours. It was only for a moment but you knew right then and there: you definitely failed.

You spent the remainder of the class in a slump, only listening to the lesson half-heartedly. You began to dread the idea of having to stay late, no matter how good-looking the teacher was.

Did you have a crush? Maybe. A small one, at that. Could it be helped? Absolutely not.

Once the final bell rang, and the other students all rushed to get the hell out of the school, you sighed and stayed at your desk. How bad was the retest going to be?

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