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(A nice little Nightmare x Reader.
Something different. ♡ But it does get smutty, again.)


Sleeping would have been wonderful, but it also would have meant death. And you liked life a little too much to let your guard down, no matter how exhausted you were. At this point, so late in the week, you were beyond sleep-deprived. You wondered vaguely whether or not you were actually protecting yourself from these damned things, or if there were nothing more than mere hallucinations. Nightmares brought on by the lack of sleep and stress.

No, that's not possible. This shit started so early on in the week, there's no way I'd be hallucinating at that point from sleep deprivation.

Panting, you held the door shut against the fucking bird- was it a chicken, perhaps? Or some other horrific abomination? You only knew it was a bird from the beak, but there were just so many teeth on the thing...

Birds don't have teeth... do they? Maybe carnivores do... Fuck, why am I thinking about this?!

You ran to the closet after flashing your light behind you. Those stupid miniature bear-demons fled almost immediately; they didn't like the light. You weren't quite sure how many there were, but you had the feeling they were just a precursor to something worse.

If those are babies, I don't want to meet the mama bear...

You swallowed, throat sore from running back and forth. It wasn't a particularly large room, but you were constantly on the move. Trouble was, no one else in the house believed you about your nighttime problems. Your family has gotten the house for so cheap, and they couldn't find fault with the place.

Bullshit. These fucking monsters are what's wrong with it! Why doesn't anyone else wake up?!

It was as though the demonic beings were drawn to your room, and yours alone. So, perhaps, no one else could actually see or hear them.

Pounding down the hallway made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Those were footsteps. Had to be. But they seemed so heavy.

What else was there?

You peered down the hallway with bated breath, seeing nothing. The rabbit was gone. The chicken had also disappeared. Even the tiny demon bears had stopped their incessant chattering on your bed. But that didn't mean your night was over. There was no way. It was barely four o'clock!

Laughter. Deep and thunderous laughter, from somewhere outside the room. You didn't like this, your heart already trying to beat it's way out of your chest. Trying to catch your breath, and only succeeding mildly, you peered back down the hall and came face to face with more teeth than you wanted to see.

What the fuck is that thing?!?

You slammed the door shut, and the black thing ran off, making heavy footsteps as it ran. You felt like you were going to vomit out of terror.

That thing. That... thing. It had two mouths. Two of them!

For the next ten minutes you played a twisted sort of cat-and-mouse game with the black demonic figure. So far you were succeeding in keeping it out of the room, but every time you checked out of the doorway, it was right there. Grinning at you with those awful teeth.

Toxic Obsession (FNaF x Reader One-Shot Collection)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora