Spar with You

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     After waiting what seemed like ages I finally got my letter from UA revealing that I would be joining their student body in the spring. After all  talk with my dad along with his friends at work I knew thi would be the outcome. My results were quite amazing especially hearing about that one kid who only took down on robot breaking his arm. How reckless can someone really be in life to break an arm for a exam?  Currently I was sluggishly walking up to UA trying to focus on my music versus the loud people walking by me. Sighing as I heard someone yell my name over my music. I looked over my shoulder to see Midoriya waving to get my attention as some girl with short brown hair stood next to him.

     "Hi little Izuku!" I called out as I took my headphones out. Trying my best not to show my discomfort to being interrupted as I walked over to them.

     "(Y/n) I'm not little." He said looking down at his feet.

     "Eh an inch shorter than me is short Zu-kun. Now tell me how you got in with no quirk?" I questioned honestly curious only before he could answered he stumbled back into someone we knew all to well.

     "Watch it DEKU!" The blonde boy shouted as Izuku looked in fear making me giggle.

    "Katsu-kun, Katsu-kun!" I cheered getting his attention as he growled at me.

     "Damn it you're here." He growled looking at me as I rushed over hugging him earning a few glances from other students.

      "Katsu-kun I missed you did you miss me?" I questioned resting my head on his shoulder.

      "Damn it dumnbass leave me alone!" He shouted as his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink.

     "Oo does that mean yes." I responded excitedly as he huffed.

     "Whatever I'm going in." He responded avoiding my question as we all made our way into the opening ceremony which was to loud and overly boring. Well that was until we got called on on boy this would be fun.

      "Now please welcome the top students for the first years tying in the number one spot Bakugo Katsuki and Aizawa (Y/n)!" Mic yelled making me roll my eyes as we made our ways on to the stage.

      "Whatever I'm gonna beat all you extras no one can get in my way!" Bakugo yelled as I took the mic from him earning a glare as I playfully stuck my tongue out at him.

      "Aw Katsu-kun be nice to others. Well I hope we can all get along this year and the next to come." I smiled kissing Katsuki's cheek before walking off stage. 

      After the ceremony ended we headed to our class room currently Class One A to be exact. The same class my dad would be teaching. Which just so happened to contain three people I knew well. 'One of which is my unproclaimed boyfriend in my future harem.' I giggled thinking the last part to myself.  Currently Bakugo sat in the second row third seat back while Todoroki said in the first seat in the same room. I giggled taking a seat between them more then ready for whatever was to come.

     "Oh it's the girl who decimated zone G during the exams. I had no idea she'd be in this class" A boy with spiky red hair spoke as I turned my attention towards him.

     "Oh you're cute you'll have to join my future harem." I let out getting a good look at him realizing I just said my harem out loud as my face started turning red.

      "Brat sit down." Katsuki huffed pulling me down into my seat forcing me to look forward. Just as I sighed resting my head in my palm a piece of paper landed on my desk. Rolling my eyes I unfolded it reading its contents.

You don't need a harem.

      I giggled reading the note as I turned to look at Katsu-kun smiling at him as her rolled his eyes averting his gaze from my own. He let out a low growl just as a few students surrounded us making him growl louder as I giggled more. This was great the boy with red hair was in this group along with a short boy who had grapish hair, a pink girl and blonde boy who kinda resembled the boy with red hair just no sharp teeth.

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