Chapter 4- Auditions

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The seniors of different bands were sitting on the seats at each corner. The two host came

Naming them as h1 and h2

H1- So welcoming everyone to the auditions
H2- Each band will select you if they like you of course
H1- so without any further talks we'll begin with the auditions

The auditions begin, one by one each student came and sang the song that they were given. The judges looked at them suspiciously.

After sometime
In a hall where Bellas practice, two girls were standing facing some girls whose faces were covered with a cloth.
One girl was the leader of the group named Anjali, another girl named Samridhi were standing

The leader of the band one by one removed the covers and introduces them to the band as base(guys it's like producing heavy sounds) singers or producing some other sounds in which one of them was Gayu. In main singers there were three of them in which one of them was Naira.

Anjali(A)- So welcome to the Bellas I hope that you will work hard. There is only one rule you have to follow that is don't fall for a treblemaker they only use you.

There was a big glass kept which was filled with red liquid

Samridhi(S)- Now this is the blood of bella ancestors, you shall drink it to be a true bella

Samridhi takes the glass towards Naira. Naira makes a face by seeing it.
S(whisper)- Its just a juice, chill..

They all drink it. Then they were given the yellow and blue coloured scarfs as a symbol that they are now a bella.

Another hall where trablemakers practice. A boys uncovers two faces.
The Boy which uncovers the face was leader named Sunny and there were also other band members present.
The two boys were introduced as Kartik and Rohan.

Sunny(S)- Welcome guys, practice hard and we'll surely win now let's PARTY,!!!!!

Kartik and Rohan looks at eachother and agrees

The bellas and the treblemakers and other bands ofcourse reach a place called aka-capella where only school bands are allowed.

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