WALL•E funding

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"Order! Order! There shall be quickly be ORDER, you bumbling jerky dickwipes," gavels Unintended States Senate Floor Leader Mitch McGonagall. "Today," announces he "we'll will welcome the new Senate Majority Leader," he announces. "Please all rise now for Senator WALL•E."

WALL•E comes and cruises into the Senate, very cool blasting Lil Wayne from the little speakers he does have. All the imbecile donkey senators are very DUMBSTRUCK-- how is the robot a Senator?!? If maybe you had paid

had paid a little ATENTION then we would not have been here now, would we? Yeah...

WALL•E immediately settles claims his new seat as President of Senate. So long,, Paul Bryan! Guess who your Summer of 69 ends today!
It must have time... to set EXAMPLES. WALL•E makes his little robot claw to gesture at one young intern meaning "get the fuck over here please".

Once when once the intern has sufficiently approached. The little robot detonates a FLAMES Thrower and incubates this poor intern to charcoal!

The entirety of Senate members tremble now in such fear for WALL•E. Good!

Is first order on business... get this nation country back on track. WALL•E threatens menacingly with the cold dead eyes towards "Senate Minority Leader" Chick Schumer. Who hastenly reads out WALL•E's fiscal budget demands.

"Proposal number 1:  the military budget comprises $700 BILLION dollar..... is will become WALL•E budget instead." Every many senate members surely gets hot under the color. How could that have happened!  Dare anyone speak up against this foul overthrow of DEMOCRACY...?

"Whoever does against, say nay," tells Amy Schumer.
WALL•E sizes up the bitches now. Ai'nt none gon fuck with messing with the baddest mother fuker. As expected yes; the Senate is DEASD QUIET.

"Whoever can in favor, say AYE?" Everyone utters "AYE."

For celebration WALL•E cracks out the majority whip. Without further ado he lashes a couple of DOPEY LIGHTWEIGHTS.

"Proposal number 2:" raises up Clock Schumer. "All stare cases in your continental Invited States of America are BANNED and to do and to be demolished effective immediately. In his statement Senator  WALL•E refers to stairs as "sily ass bullshit I CAN NOT even walk on them", due to NO LEGS."

Again the Senate replies "AYE" 100%. 


All members of the USA senate go out for lunch break... but what? Nobody can leave the Senate Floor... All the stairs have gone DESTROYED already! That' is a tough brake!

WALL•E has tought these vicious lobbyists a lesson today... No universal health STAIR handouts for you! Amen.

WALL•E becomes Senate Majority LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now