Redo: The Hero

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Hey I'm gonna redo this story but if someone wants to take the orignal story just ask, also this new part is inspired by @kdog2201 story, so go check his stuff out, basically you are a strong dude who is summoned whenever some place needs you. Anyways i plan on adding a disciple kid of thing like Genos from One punch man, so if anyone wants to help me think of someone just PM me. So that's all and onto the chapter

"this is talking"
'this is thinking'
this is whispering
this an authors note

(Y/N) pov

I wake up in a forest at night just staring at the stars, "Man, already I just finished fighting some dude named Freiza, I'm not even sure he is a dude looks more like a grape and an albino lizard's honeymoon creation" I said groaning and standing up whiping off the dirt from my clothes (just a t shirt, jeans and a hoodie, no shoes. All of them are ripped or has holes), "So who's the villian this time?" I asked no one in particular.

"Fighting villans all the time is boring, I wanna like, pay taxes......Never mind I don't" I start walking off in a random direction while looking in my pockets. "Dang, I swore i put a cookie in here?" I keep walking and after a while I find a road "Hey, now if i follow it I'll find a city" I start walking on the road still searching for the cookie.


"Seriously? I've been walking for like 3 hours" I start getting frustrated suddenly I heard growling from the trees beside the road "Hello? Anyone there?" I turned around and looked into the darkness of the forest "Better see if someone's there"

I walk back into the forest and I listen for signs of a person. "Man it's dark" I keep walking and I grab onto a branch, then I heard some kind of growling "Wolves? Maybe a dog?" I look around to find what made the growling noise, I felt the branch, that I had my hand on, moving I turned around to see that it wasn't a branch at all, it was some kind of huge scorpion thing

"Oh God!" I immediately let go and walk backwards away from the creature. "Hey Mr. Scorpion? Calm down." I tried to talk to it but it turned towards me and it started to charge at me. "Alright so you don't like me" I stand there waiting for it, it started to pull back it's stinger ready to attack me.

'So I'm guessing this thing isn't good?' I get into a jumping stance, "I'll just end this quickly" I jump towards the scorpion, leaving a small crater in the ground, I grab its stinger and I throw the creature over me and it slams into a cliff about a couple hundred meters.

"That was easier than I thought" I just put my hands into my pockets and walk back to the road, "Hey I found the cookie"

Time skip to the city

"Finally I found a city" I fall onto my hands and knees "I walked like 30 miles" I get back up and start to head into the city. 'I wonder what currency they use here?' I walk into a store named "Tukson's Book Trade"

I walk into the store and see a man with a beard at the counter "Excuse me but could you tell my where I am?"

"Why your in Vale." The man looks down and writes stuff down in a book

"What area is it in?" I ask the man, making sure to not say anything unusual.

"Vale is one of the four Kingdoms on Remnant. Did you hit your head or something kid?" I looks at me questionably trying to see who I am

"Oh well I just wanted to make sure?" I smile and scratch my head hoping that he bought my lie.

"Alright then. Now do you need anything" He answers buying the obvious lie I told him.

"Yeah do you know where I could get some money? I'm kinda broke?" I laugh and show him more of my outfit, revealing all the holes and marks.

"Well I'll give you some if you can restock a couple shelves over there" he points toward part of the shop that has 5 shelves bare without books "The books are in the back" He says and goes back to writing something in his book

Time skip because it's 4 am and I'm tired

"I'm finished" I exclaim walking back up to the man I assume is Tukson. He looks up and see all of the shelves are filled with books.

"Alright, Thanks kid. Here's some pay for that." He pulls out a small bag of money and sits it on the counter

"Thank you sir, have a nice night" I wave to him and walk out of the shop 'Alright so I have some money but what now?'

And that's the end for now because and I said earlier it's 4 am and also I forgot to finish this and post it. So if you like this please vote and comment what I should do next, anyways that's all goodbye.

Rwby x OP Male Reader (Redone)Where stories live. Discover now