Until we meet again

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Even fate cannot keep us apart, maybe in distance but never at heart.....

All four of us sit at the table, laughing and talking, and I cannot remember being so happy in a long time. We discuss everything, from college to career, from our first meets to Lily's death, reminding me that I have people whom I can count on. After we are finished eating, Sam suggests that we watch a movie.

Within ten minutes, we all are seated on the couch, Sam and Luna cuddling in one blanket, and Mike and I in another. All this time, Mike never leaves my hand, not even for a fraction of second. As the time passes by, I feel myself getting anxious, wondering how I will be when he finally leaves.

When we're halfway through the movie, I notice Luna is already asleep. 

"She's adorable, ain't she?" Sam says, and then slowly slipping out of her hold, he stands up and picks her up in his arms.

"I'm going to take her to the room, you both can watch the rest of the movie if you want" he says, and turning away, walks down the hallway, towards his room.

"I think I have you for another night" Mike says, and scooping me up in his arms, making me squeal, carries me to his room.

He opens the door and without switching on the light, gently places me on the bed. Then, he settles beside me and wraps his arms around my body

We both stay like that for a long time, curled up against each other and neither of us saying a word. Then after listening to Mike's heartbeat for a while and when I'm sure that he is asleep, I quietly say, "I'll miss you".  

To my surprise, he whispers back "Me too"

"You're awake?"

"I can't stop wondering what I'll do without you"

"You'll be fine, I know. And anyways, I'm just one call away" I say, trying to cheer him up a little. I don't like him being upset, and that too because of me. Although I am upset, I don't want to ruin his day.

"It won't be the same, you know that too" 

"What I know is that we can get through anything" I say, which earns me a kiss on the forehead. Somehow, this sweet gesture of his makes me feel so cherished and loved, that I can't even describe it, less get over it.

Mike tightens his hold on me, and like that, we fall asleep in each other's arms, both trying to memorize each other's presence as much as we can for the times yet to come. 


The next day, I wake up early. I decide to make breakfast for everyone. I can't get rid of the feeling of loss and sorrow that seems o be weighing my chest. So, I busy myself making pancakes. By the time I'm finished, Sam and Luna are up, and I hear the shower running in Mike's room, so it means he must be getting ready.

When they all come downstairs, I can't help but look at Mike and honestly, just the sight of him bring tears to me eyes. It's been just four days and I can't imagine what I will do without him. That night when I first met him seems to be like a life time ago.

"Oh my goodness, did you make all this yourself?" Luna asks me with amazement.

"Doubt my skills?" I ask

"Not at all" she says and we all sit on the table to eat. 

I remain quiet all the while they talk. Luna and Sam ask Mike how his trip has been, what will he do once he is back and stuff like that. When we're done, I carry the dishes to the sink and start washing them, while Mike excuses himself to do some final packing.

"I know you're going to miss him"  Sam says, appearing beside me out of nowhere.

"You'll meet again soon, you know. Maybe on the Thanksgiving break or New Year" he continues when I don't reply.

"I know, I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of it. I mean, it's been just four days. It shouldn't matter that much, but still I feel like my life's not going to be the same without him" I finally say, drying my hands with the towel and leaning against the counter.

"Some people come in your life like the softly blowing wind. Their presence becomes familiar and you don't even realise when you start loving it's gentle brush on your skin. But when it passes you by, it leaves you sad and hurt. But does it mean that it's not going to blow past you again? No. So, instead of looking back at what you left behind, look forward to the million possibilities waiting for you" 

"Thanks" I say when his words finally set in and give him a hug. Then we see Mike strolling down the stairs carrying a suitcase in his hands. 

"Time to say bye, baby doll" Sam whispers in my ear and goes to keep Mike's bag in his car.

Instead of saying anything to him, I quickly run upstairs. I search for my purse in Mike's room. Once I find it, I dig out the sketch that I teared out from my sketch pad. And then I pull out a picture as well. It's of me and Mike that he clicked when he came over to my house that day. Neither of us is looking in the camera. 

I'm laughing and Mike is staring at me. It's sweet, really. I had it made into a polaroid. Luckily, I had two copies. 

I rush downstairs with both the things clutched in my hand. I find all three of them already standing near the car, both Sam and Luna bidding their farewells.

When Mike sees me staring at him while standing by the door, he gives me a sad smile and motion for me to come to him.

I literally run towards him and throw my hands around his neck, wrapping him in an embrace. We stagger back from the force but he supports my weight with his body and holds me just as tightly in his arms. When we finally pull apart, we stare at each other for  while. 

Then, ever so softly, he plants a kiss on my head, then my cheek, then my other cheek , then my nose and finally, on my lips. Then, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he says, "I love you".

Then, he gets in the car and Sam climbs in the driver's seat.

"I love you" I say back and then reaching through the window and opening my palm, I hand him the picture and the sketch.

"Until we meet again" I say.


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