Clean Slate

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“I know, but I just want it to be nice.” I said to Dana, Chyna’s sister. We were on our way to a bridal store, and I needed a good friend to accompany me. I always imagined Camilla and I doing this with each other, but oh well.

“It will be nice. Just stop worrying—this is a bridal shop. Bridal shops have perfect bridal dresses.” Dana said to me. We were walking down Hollywood Boulevard, wearing hoodies and jeans so we wouldn’t be recognized by paparazzi. T was out with Travie looking for a tux.

Dana and I pushed through the glass double doors and entered the store. There were women of all ages, trying on dresses and describing what they wanted to the employees. There was family with all of them. But my family couldn’t be here, since they were running away from my rapist of a father.

I tried not to think of that as I walked up to a girl in a black suit, and plastered a smile onto my face. This was the day that was all about me, and I didn’t need to be concerned about my constant family dramas. I was just going to do me.

“Hello, welcome to Coral’s Bridal. What are you looking for?” The girl asked in a sweet voice.

“I’m looking for a wedding dress, and one bridesmaid dress for my friend Dana.” I explained. The girl, whose nametag said Ashley, nodded and motioned for us to follow her upstairs. Upstairs was more quiet, but there were still people trying on dresses.

“So explain to me what kind of dress you’re looking for.” Ashley said as we sat down on one of the large, circular leather couches.

“I want it to be white. I don’t want mermaid style. I’d like something sleeveless, with a slim top and a puffy skirt, but not too puffy. It has to be relaxed, since this is a relaxed wedding. And my budget is $6,000.” I explained. I went online looking for dresses, their styles, and their prices. I made sure I knew exactly what I wanted. I needed to look really pretty for T.

“Okay, I’ll go to the back and see what I can bring out for you.”

With that, Ashley went to the back. In a couple seconds, she was back with two dresses in hand. I tried on both, and I hated them. I was already discouraged.

“What if I don’t find the right dress?” I asked Dana in a worried tone. She just shook her head.

“This happens to all brides, Jaydi. You ever watched that show, ‘Say Yes to the Dress’? Every bride gets depressed when the first two dresses aren’t great. But the third or fourth dress is always the one, trust me.” She advised me. I laughed at how much she knew about this stuff. Dana was so different from Chyna; she was normal, and nice.

By then, Ashley came out with two more dresses. I tried them both on; one didn’t fit, and the other was too expensive. I looked at Dana; I had tried on four dresses already, and none of them worked for me.

Then a bride that had been trying on dresses came over to us with a bag in hand.

“Ashley, I found a different dress. Can you put this one in the back for me? I don’t want it anymore.” The bride said to Ashley.

“Sure.” Ashley said, smiling her classic smile.

“Thanks!” The bride said, walking away. Ashley was on her way to bringing the dress to the back, when I realized something.

“Wait,” I called, “bring that back here for a second please?”

Ashley brought the dress back. I took it from her and held it up. It was long, with a slim flowery top and a puffy bottom, but not too puffy. The bottom was plain besides a few flowers on the bottom. The dress was exactly what I was looking for—it was beautiful and only $5,800!

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