Sleep Part 11

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No Ones Pov

Sakura and pein were still in a tight embrace .Pein had her almost hidden inside of him it was like he was expecting her to disappear from his grasp and he was afraid of loosing her Yet sakura felt a weird sensation in her stomache it felt warm and comforting being the hands of her father she never felt anything like it before ,She felt her self go limp in his arms and black spots covered her vision bringing her in a never ending peacefull sleep.

Pein felt her body go still completley ,but because she was hidden he wasnt sure if she had passed out or was hurt and out of worry he hurridly yet gently pulled her limp body out of his embrace so he could see her and to his relief she was just sleeping ''Thankyou little blossom'' And with that he set her down on his bed gently putting the covers on her. He was about to leave but felt a small hand grab his big one ,he turned around and saw sakra was still asleep but was shaking it was clear she didnt want to be alone even in sleep .He wouldnt dream of letting her go again Never again.So he join her on the bed and puled her into his chest patting her head.

For the first time in a while pein felt happiness inside him

A Prodegy's BurdenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora