/as Adrien erases Marinette's memories, he sees himself in them, earlier that morning, when they saw each other at school. He quickly lets go, assuming he's gone back far enough, and not wanting to erase something important. Then he begins to cry a little bit\
Master Fu: *touches his shoulder* Are you okay Adrien?
Adrien: yeah, yeah *wipes away tears* I'll be fine. It's just, it finally happened, we know who each other are, this has always been the one thing in the way of us becoming closer, and it's finally done! But, now it's messed up even more! I know our secret, and she doesn't! And now, I can't even tell her I know! I'm just- ARHG!
Master Fu: it's okay Adrien. Marinette just.....takes this role very seriously and with much honor, she would do anything to keep hawkmoth from prevailing in this war. I know, you feel it's because of you, and that's it's your fault
Adrien: how did you-
Master Fu: but it's not Adrien! It's not your fault, she would have done this no matter who Chat Noir was, I promise you.
Adrien: It's not just that it's just almost like, she doesn't -
Master Fu: Care about you? She does Adrien, she really does.
Adrien: I don't know, we could have done so much more if we knew each other's identities, but she, she didn't want that. She just wants to not know me! She doesn't really care to find out the real me, she doesn't care about who I really am!
Master Fu: she does! She cares so much about you, although she may not always admit it. That's why she did that Adrien, she didn't want to risk you...because.....
Adrien: because what?
Master Fu: Because she's in love with you Adrien
Adrien, she's...WHAT!?
Master Fu: she has told me,
Adrien: but, she only loves one side of me, she doesn't love me at Chat noir.
Master Fu: maybe, but she still cares so much about you. Remember when she had to come to me during akuma attacks, before you knew who I was?
Adrien: y-yes, it hurt me that she was keeping it a secret.
Master Fu: And she knew that! She saw you were hurt, and she told me that I should tell you, but I was the one who at first refused. She does care so much about you Adrien, and doing this, it's only because she wants you to be safe.
Adrien: no.....it's not just that.
Master Fu: what do you mean?
Adrien: While I was erasing her memories, I saw her thoughts. She's scared, she's scared what will happen now that we know each other, she doesn't trust me. That's why she wanted me to make her forget.
Master Fu: she does trust you Adrien, she just doesn't trust herself. She doesn't want your feelings for each other, especially her feelings for you, to get in the way of saving Paris. Like I said, she takes this job very seriously, and she wouldn't forgive herself if something happened to you, because of her.
Adrien: I guess you're right, I'd hate myself if I caused something bad to happen to her.
Plagg: 'faintly, coming out of the miracle box' Adrien? *starts to fall to the ground*
Adrien: Plagg! *catches him in his hands* what happened?
Plagg: what happened is I saved you! And you owe me a lot of cheese-but nevermind! It's Tikki....she's not moving!
Master Fu:*gasps* go get her!
Plagg: *nods, and flies into the miracle box. He comes out holding Tikki.* I don't know what's wrong with her, one second we were both starting to feel okay and I went over to her. All of the sudden she had a vision, she said of Nooroo, and then she fell down, and she's been like this ever since! This is all my fault......
Master Fu: *looks over at Marinette on the couch, who is currently experiencing her connection hawkmoth* maybe, since Marinette is connected to hawkmoth...
Adrien: Tikki is connected to Nooroo!
Plagg: so, she's okay!?
Master Fu: I don't know for sure...but I hope so.
/Gabriel had been driving toward Master Fu's, and when Marinette had drank the drink Master Fu gave her, he fell asleep into the connection with her, causing a minor car wreck, the police arrive 20 minutes later, with Gabriel still in his unconscious state with Marinette.\
Gabriel: (only Marinette can hear him, he makes no physical movement or speech in real life) well well, if it isn't Marinette Dupain-Cheng, or should I say, Ladybug!
Marinette: h-hawkmoth!? How- what is happening!?
Gabriel: heh heh heh, we are connected now dear! And now that I know yours and Cat Noir's identity, nothing will be able to stop me! And your miraculous will soon be mine!
Marinette: No! This isn't connection, this is corruption! You will never get my miraculous! I will always fight on, and we will destroy you!
Gabriel: or will you?
Marinette: *sees vision of Gabriel* MR. AGRESTE? No! No! It can't be you! You are a highly respected man! Why would you do this?
Gabriel: you would never understand! But if you give me your miraculous, you will be able to see for yourself!
Marinette: Never! Ah!
/the connection partially breaks off, causing them to no longer be able speak with one another. They see each other's memories of one another for the rest of the duration of the hour. The last thing Marinette sees before their connection breaks off is the most important information of all, hawkmoth motives. She sees Emilie, in a coma, underneath Mr. Agrestes' house. She sees Gabriel make a promise to his wife to bring her back. She sees him cry as he watches Emilie's movie with Adrien that one day. And Marinette is moved with pity. Then, they both begin to wake up\
Master Fu: quick Adrien, hide! she's awakening, and she doesn't want to know your identity.
Adrien: *sighs* of course master. *he goes into the other room with Plagg, and they bring Tikki incase she soon wakes up*
Marinette: Master! How did I get here? I just saw-
Master Fu: I know, and so did you.
Marinette: what?
Master Fu: I erased your memories from today, there was something you learned today that hawkmoth couldn't find out.
Marinette: oh, good decision Master. He knows who I am now. But, I know who he is too.
Master Fu: who is it Marinette?!
Marinette: Its-
/4 Policemen break in, along with Gabriel Agreste\
Gabriel: there! That must be him! He kidnapped my son! And this young lady as well!
/One policeman handcuffs Master Fu, Gabriel walks up to Marinette\
Gabriel: don't worry, my dear Marinette, you are safe now, you may return home *gives her an evil look, she makes an angry face back at him*
Adrien: *runs out* wait!
Gabriel: Adrien!
Marinette: Adrien?!
Gabriel: Come on son, we are going home now.
Adrien: Father wait! Maste- i mean, Mr. Chang didn't-
Gabriel: Now, Adrien! *looks over to Marinette* see you soon Marinette, and, stay safe. *evil smile*
Police 1: *grabs Master Fu* lets go!
Police 2: *walks over to Marinette* Do you need a ride home young lady?
Marinette: *with tears in her eyes, she shoves through the police men and runs out the door*

My Fault | A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction
FanfictionIt's been one year since the day master fu gave Marinette and Adrien the honors of being miraculous holders, but the effects of special day might just be the cause of their fate. And the fate of Paris along with them............. ~ An unforgettable...