Crash -chapter 2

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Suddenly the uber talks to me . Do you know how to drive ? I almost ignored him but he was so slow at driving so I said yes . Drive then he then jerked the car over . He was in some sort of pain grunting to get out of the car . I told him to forget it because he was in pain .i got back in and he was passing gas horrible gas . The smell of cow poop . He was about to puke he jerked the car severel times . It looked like he was sleeping but he was grunting in pain . Uhhhh uhhh . I feel guilty about him being in pain . It got quiet we were near the woods on a dirt road we have gone off of the road . Then a dead end . We are off of the dirt road and suddenly jerks the car to the left . The car bangs the trees and  the ground I was in pain . I thought he had died but he was still grunting I was to . I'm in pain he screamed we  finally hit a huge tree it was towards him ,he hit it .  He was screaming before that then he just went ..... Blank .  We landed near a lake he had already died because of the tree . I was still here . Uhhh it was summer hot burning summer I got sun burnt after the rain. Now I have scratches and cuts bleeding everywhere. Now  what,  I'm here alone with  A car that does not turn on and worst of all a dead guy in it . I'm here , nobody by me my phone is wrecked. Not like I would call my parents anyways they would just complain . what would they do anyways , fight over who  is coming to get me . Besides I don't want to be in a car with one of them they would just complain about the other . That just left me to think . About the secrets . Lies they told me . Like oh we would never ever do something bad to our love to hurt you .
Well . Whatever . I'm in so much pain I don't have any band -Aids. Nothing I am swelling on my face . The burns are all over cuts all over . And I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry . And I'm thinking about mc Donald's and about how good the chicken nuggets are. I would not be here if I did not cause the Break up and secret .

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