Survival chapter 3

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If I were smart I would  not be here . Now I going to be sitting here because I'm not getting rescued . Will they rescue me ? All I have in my pocket is my phone and a charger . But I have nothing for my charger to plug into .
In movies people would have everything like a med kit and water . But
Did I think I was going to crash . Did I? . I only have some flimsy sticks not enough to make a fire.i heard in this one book that if  the inside of a stick smells like bitter almonds or peaches don't eat it . And if a flower is .... Whatever . My phone rang it was my mom asking me where I was . I told her that I did not know but I would be here if you did not keep secrets and told lies . I might as well drink the lake water I took one big gulp . And then two . I had drank enough so that I had pucked  ! I'm hungry I'm hungry I screamed louder every time I said it . They are not going to rescue me  I thought . I was only thinking about food . Food . Only FOOD . And thinking of sitting on my couch eating .i then heard a noise behind me (a growl ) could it be a bear ? Or a wolf . I turned , a bear coming right at me . Ready to  attack I this point I was ready . But then the bear stopped and turned around . I'm sure if I had been here to camp it would eat me . But since I'm here alone crashed and helpless it did not eat me . I hate this I'm hungry . I'm done

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