Prologue: The making of a demon

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It all happened so quickly as if it was a dream, something the mind fabricated after watching a horror movie.

You never think it would happen to you....I never did.

But at the age of 5 years old, watching your mother and father be brutally murdered and you taken by said killers to who knows where.

You won't be the same.


The sounds of the heavy metal door growns as it opens.

It's lets light creep into my "room", I would get up to look or move but being chained to a wall and not eating for a couple of weeks makes it difficult to do.

The sounds of heels clicking down the stone steps. I can practically hear that cursed grin on her face.

The so called master of the one who killed my family.


"So Victor, have you thought more on my offer?"

I weakly lift my head.

What bit of life, sanity and defiance I had I looked at the demon In front of me.

"You have been down here for a long time, I'm sure you would want to leave this room, eat good food, enjoy the company of others".

14 years I've down here.

Most would have taken her up on that offer.

But not me.

Not after all I had been through.


I reply with the cracky voice that is mine.

She didn't like that, the sounds of bones cracking echo in the room as a sharp kick to my ribs is dished out.

I cough out a bit of blood, she grabs my chin and makes me look at her dead in those red eyes of hers.

" You will join me way or another so I'll ask again once more"

She says in a agrivated tone.

"Will You join me willingly or will I have to a use more painful method?"

I take a deep but struggled breath and spit blood in her face.

She lets go and wipes it off with a growl.

"Very well....we will see how you feel when your mind is broken and your soul is shattered."

She turns and makes her way out, up the stone steps and slams the iron door close locking it after.

Labored gasps of air and the sounds of pitiful sobs a drowned out by the rattling of the chains.

How long could would he last.

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