Popular CrushXReader~ New Girl

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Y/n is your name
C/n is your crush
R//n is Rival's name
B/f/n is your best friend (boy)
3rd person POV

Today was your first day at school and you didn't know anyone except B/f/n which you met on summer. He gave you his number and you both talked about everything. When you told him that you were moving to his city and going to his school he got beyond excited. He loved the idea of talking to you about his problem in real life. You loved the idea too.

When you got to the entrance to got your phone out and texted B/f/n if he was near or at school. You waited a few seconds for him to respond. 'I'm at the library. Can you try and get here? I haven't done the homework yet and it's for the first period' you read. You sighed but answered with an 'okay'.

You first went to the reception area where you asked the old lady if she could tell you where the library is. She just gave you a lot of directions while she gave you your locker key and you eventually stopped listening. "Umm... yeah okay. I'll try to get there by myself then" you mumbled to yourself. "Thanks" you told the lady. After she was out of my sight you looked at everyone that was around you.

Y/n's POV

I walked around for like 5 minutes and I still haven't found anyone that wanted to talk to me. 'These people are so fucking social' I thought as I rolled my eyes. While I kept walking I heard laughs and screams. I looked towards where the sound came from and I immediately locked eyes with a cute boy. He looked around my age, so we are probably in the same class. Maybe. If I'm lucky. 'He must be popular though'.

I turned my head and then I felt someone grab my arm. "Wha?" I looked to the person that grabbed me and I saw the same cute guy I locked my eyes with. We looked at each other for a few seconds. "Hi" he said nicely. I couldn't help but smile at him. "Hi".

"Are-are you new here?" He asked me sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck. I nodded not really wanting to stutter. "I'm C/n" I smiled and looked down trying to calm my blush. I looked up to him again. "I'm Y/n". He chuckled. "Cute name. Y/n. Definitely suits you."

You smiled at him and looked down again. "C/n!" Called out a popular looking girl. Ugh! Even at this school there's a bitch going around. He smiled at me again and turned around to leave. I hold his arm. "Umm... Can you show me where the library is? I'm kind of lost and my friend is there" I said trying to sound as normal as possible. He smiled and nodded. "Guys! I'll take her to the library. I'll be back in a second" the slutty looking girl which I still don't know the name of glared at me. 'Dude chill, he's just taking me to the fucking library. It's not like we're going to make out or something! Not that I would mind anyways' I thought to myself.

Once his friends stopped teasing him in some weird kind of way we started heading to the library. "Who was that bit- I mean girl?" I asked facepalming for nearly calling her bitch. He laughed. "Oh, that girl! It's just R/n. She's been obsessed with me since fourth grade. Every time I'm near a girl she just clings onto me like if I'm her plushie or something." He said cringing a bit making me giggle. He looked at me with a smirk "You know? You have a cute laugh" he said pining me to one of the lockers. I blushed like 50 shades probably. "I...ummm". 'This boi!'

"You also look cute when you blushing. Well, cute in general" he said getting close to my face. Soon, I caught up what he was trying to do. "Bro, chill" I said putting my finger on his nose, pushing him away. "We met, literally five minutes ago." He chuckled hugging me by the waist. "Yeah, but when you know, you know. You know?" I couldn't help but laugh. I slipped out of his grip and continued walking.

Once we got to the library I smiled up to him again. "Bye C/n" I winked. "See you around Y/n". For the rest of the morning I couldn't help but smile.

Halo! How is everything my dudes/dudettes! I'm actually going to start these mini one shots because I have a crush and you probably have one too. Well, See you my dudes/dudettes! 🐾❤️

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