CrushXReader-End of the world

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I actually got this idea from the song above (end of the world- Billie Eilish), I absolutely love the song and the idea just clicked automatically. BTW thanks for 74 followers it's absolutely insane!! I love you guys so much!

Y/n - your name
C/n - crush name
M/n- mall name                                                                                                                                                            Italics are the lyrics 


I was sitting in my bed comfortably bobbing my head along the rhythm of one of my favourite songs. Once it finished I heard the news on the tv, we barely saw the news so I knew something serious was happening I wasn't aware of. "Mom? What's going on?" I said, my eyes completely locked on the screen as I saw the tv pixels form figures running around the streets covered with fire. Once, I looked at her she smiled sadly at me "We don't have much time left sweetie" she grabbed my face lightly with her cold hands and pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead. My dad approached me and gave me a short but comforting hug. "Go find him, it'll be the last time you'll see him" she said, a tear slipping down her face.

The last time I'll see him? No. This can't be happening. "How much time left?" I cried lightly as I opened his phone calling him. "They said it'll take half an hour" I got my jackets looking at them one last time "I fucking love you remember that... please" They smiled, tears slipping down their cheeks. I ran out the door and called him. It'll take me 25 minutes to get there. Shit. I'll only have 5 minutes 'till the end of the world is near.

Luckily for me, he picked up the phone "C/N! Please, please, please meet me at M/N" I panted through the phone. "I-uh... Sure" He seemed hesitant, didn't he want to see me? We've been getting closer to each other this summer. I hang up and started blasting some music, Ironically The End Of The World started blasting making me want to cry even more. I can't believe everything is ending so soon. I'm just hoping C/N won't mind giving up his first kiss so I could have mine. I bit my lip at the thought of him hating me just a few seconds before dying.

Once I arrived to the mall I looked everywhere around me just to see random teenagers talking, hugging and sucking each others faces. Unluckily for me I did recognise some of them making me cringe since they were mostly making out. Why are they so lucky with love. Even I can't my crush to meet up with me even when I'm about to die.

If the end of the world is near, Where would you chose to be?

I looked round to see if C/N was visible, or he arrived. Nothing. Tears flooded my eyes. I won't ever see him again. Did I really leave my family for this? I'm the worst daughter ever, honestly. I  started to walk towards the little wall I always sat at when I hung around with my friends. I suddenly felt a tug on my arm and looked to see who it was "C/N..."

If there were five more minutes of air, Would you panic and hide? Or run for your life? Or stand here and spend them with me?

I smiled slightly. "Hi" I whispered trying to sink in how good he looked right now and how amazingly well he smelt. Well, that sounded creepy. He chuckled slightly. I looked at him and felt the pang of guilt knowing what I was about to ask him. "I wanted to meet up because, I really want my first kiss to be with the guy I liked, and I know you haven't had it yet but... I really want it to be you" I ranted quickly but ended slowly, he looked puzzled for a second but smiled when he understood what I said completely.

If we had five more minutes, Would I, could I make you happy?

He slowly pulled me in for a hug, embracing me completely, my face was snuggled into his neck as my arms slithered behind his neck, his went straight to my waist holding me against him. "Does that mean you don't mind?" I asked pulling away from his neck , he looked down at me and shook his head. I smiled with gratitude even though inside fireworks burst everywhere and I would probably start dancing and jumping like a five year old on Christmas if I wouldn't die in a few minutes.

So it finally came to pass, I saw the end of the world

My hands tangled through his hair easily as his lips came in contact with mine, all I felt was passion love and warmth. I smiled against his lips and half sighed at the contact as his arms gripped my waist a bit harder pulling me up slightly, since I was on my tip toes and was getting tired. I pulled away and smiled contently as tears slipped down my now, pink cheeks. I kissed his lips once more to saviour the moment, when I saw a blinding light coming from my left. I looked at him once more as we both said simultaneously"I love you". Then I saw nothing but black.

The sun had explode.

If we had five more minutes of air to breathe, And we cried all through it, But you spent them with me, On our last few drags of air we agree, I was and you were happy.

I really hoped you like it! If you have some request you can send me a message or comment it. See you my dudes/dudettes!

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