Chapter 18

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I head to Kelly's house and see a blue jeep in her driveway. That's strange because only Kelly is supposed to be home. I walk up the driveway then see Victor leaning against the front of the jeep smoking a cigarette. I walk up to him so that he notices me.  When he does he smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Kelly wants me to be the driver for today and we went for a check up earlier today" he tells me. Kelly comes out the front door then locks it.  When she sees me she smiles. She walks up to me and gives me a big hug. Victor throws his cigarette to the ground and steps on it.

"Excuse Victor for smoking. That's going to be his last time smoking since I'm pregnant and there's going to be a baby around soon" Kelly says like she's telling him this for the first time.  I look at Victor and he's smirking. He wraps his arm around Kelly's waist and kiss her on her forehead.

"Only for the best" he smiles.  They are so cute together. Victor is really changing his life around. We get in the car and head to the mall. On our way there, Victor kept looking at his phone when we go to every red light. He looked kind of upset.


Victor pulls up to the mall and lets us out the car. He hands Kelly her bad then pulls out a stack of money from his glove compartment.

"Here take this" he hands her the money. "Dont ask where I got it, just take it for the both of you" he says.  Kelly takes the money and stuff it in her bag.

"Aren't you coming with us?" she asks him. He shakes his head no.

" I gotta meet up with someone. It's very important but I'll be back to pick up two up" he says. Kelly leans Pecksniffian his lips then we get out the car. After we are out he speeds off.  We walk into the mall and head to Macy's.

"So, what happened at dinner with your parents?" I ask her.

"My dad was calm but my mom was freaking out.  I was kind of surprised. After my mom gave me and Victor a whole lecture about not using protection and shit like that, my dad just told me and Jake to take care of the baby and that we are responsible for the baby" she says while browsing through the clothes. 

"Wow, at least he didn't try to kick out out the house" I chuckle. Kelly smiles.

"Yeah, but I can tell he was still disappointed in us. He likes Victor and wouldn't try to hurt him unless Victor hurts me which won't happen"Kelly says grabbing a blue dress from the rack. She grabs her usual size which is a small but looks down at her now stretching and growing stomach. We both look at each other and laugh. She puts the dress back and grab a large instead.


                       Jake p.o.v

Victor speeds down the ally then stops mid way. He jumps out his car and walks towards me. He's not smiling at all.

"What the fuck do you want?"  he snaps.  I let him get away with his rudeness for today because I really need his help right now.

"I need your cousin to make me an untraceable gun" I tell him. He shakes his head no.

"My cousin stop doing stuff like that" he tells me. I pace back and forth and rub the temple of my head.

"Listen, I need something.  Maybe something he made before.  I can't buy a gun that was made by this country because they all have some sort of serial number" I tell him.

"Well I can't help you" he says.  He turns around to head back to his car but I grab him by the shoulder. He stops then turn to face me.

"Don't fucking touch me" frowns at me.

"Victor,  you need to help me now or the boss will hurt Ariel. If I don't do this last job, Boss will kill her and then get you to finish what I couldn't because your the second best in the gang. And im sure you don't want to deal with that shit when your about to be a dad" I snap at him.

Victor face goes from serious and angry to looking like he's in deep thought.  He turns on his heels and walks towards his Jeep. He motions me to follow him, so I do. We walk to the back of his jeep where his spear tire was. He grabs hold of it so I help him lift it off the back of the jeep. He flips it over and I notice a slight cut in it. He pulls back the rubber tire flap where its cut. He digs in the tire then pulls out a gun. One that his cousin made a long time ago for him. He hands it to me.

"Keep it" he tells me. I put the gun in the back of my jeans strap and pull my jacket over it. When I turn to walk away, Victor stops me.

"Who is so important that Boss threatened Ariel?" he ask.

"Her father. Her father is a big time drug and business man.  He fucked with his money and now he wants me to kill him to earn my freedom out the gang" I tell him.

"So your going to kill her father? Do you know how much pain that will cause her?" he ask.  I nod yes. I look at the ground in shame.

"How can you even be with her after you kill her father?" he asks me.

"Its for her safety and I love her. That's why im leaving after I kill her father. I'll just move in with my cousin that lives in California. I knew being with her would cause problems in her life so now im paying the price" I tell him. I Turn away and walk to my car. I get in and pull out the way I came in the alley. 'Shit'  I think to myself.  Leaving her right after her father's death will hurt her even more.

"Your doing this for her life. Because you love her" my subconscious says to me.


So it took forever for me to update because I was truly being lazy and im sorry about that. I will try to update more.  I'm doing this on my phone so it is unedited for now.  Hope you liked this chapter.  if your did vote please ;)

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