An Ending...

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There they were. Sitting on the beach in Hawaii. Lili's head on Cole's lap, both enjoying the sunset.

They would've never thought their hectic life would've come to this. They were both happy. Happy to be alive, happy to have all their children healthy, alive, and happy.

They have both gone through the worst, but they both grown from it, and became better people.

After going through two graduations, (one for Kayla and another for the twins) they decided to go to Hawaii, where Lili told Cole she was pregnant with Kayla. Many memories were made in Hawaii, and they are making more.

Their new little girl, Ellie, was born a couple months earlier. She was sitting in her stroller next to them. She was an unexpected pregnancy, but Cole and Lili were thrilled.

They couldn't wait to raise another child, to make more memories, and have a bigger family.


Today, Cole and Lili were going to renew their vows. It's 5 years later they went to Hawaii, and they wanted to express their love even more.

So, Lili and Cole decided to only invite close friends and family to this occasion. They didn't want a big event like their wedding, they just wanted something small and special.

So, they flew everyone, including themselves, back to Hawaii for this occasion.

Lili decided to go with a light blue, long dress. Cole went with a black tux with a blue tie, matching Lili's dress.

There they stood, Cole grabbed Lili's hand, and started to say what he needed to say.

"Oh, Lili." he smiled at her and sighed, "I can't explain how much I love and appreciate you. I have been through hell and back, and you stuck by my side. But we've also had rough patches, and look where we are now. We're in love. That's all I ever wanted in life. I wanted to find the perfect wife that is there for me through everything, and I'm so happy I found you because that's who you are. We have four beautiful children, who admire you as much as I do, and love you as much as I do. And I wanted to thank you, for being there for me, but most importantly, thank you for being the love of my life. forever and always." Cole concluded. They were both crying, same with everyone in the crowd.

Lili wipes her tears before starting, "Oh, Cole Sprouse." she wipes his tears and continues, "I will never forget when I first met you. It was on set, and we instantly bonded. I truly believe things happen for a reason, and I think a miracle happened for us two to be on the show. If you think about it, if we weren't on that show together, we wouldn't have met. But, believe me, I'm grateful we did. There's this quote from the "Notebook" that I really needed to share, 'The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts, and brings peace to our minds.' You awakened my soul, Cole. And that day at our wedding, I knew this was going to be forever. And I chose you. I'll choose you over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you no matter what." Lili stopped, looking into Cole's eyes, smiling as they both cried happy tears.

They both looked into the crowd. They saw their families, their children, and their friends.

"This is our life, baby." Cole whispered, "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Lili smiled at him, crashing her lips onto his, as the crowd started to clap...



and that concludes my first ever story.

i wanted to say a few things:

i know this isn't the best story. Believe me, if i could, I would most definitely change some of the plot. it was kind of all over the place. That's why i wanted the ending to make up for it, and i hope it did.

thank you, for making this story so successful. you guys gave me motivation to continue this story. i can't thank you enough.


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