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"Woah... I expected you to be scare to meet a random stranger, but here you, giving me heart eyes." The stranger said with cockiness, a smirk spreads on his face. "You might be here to kill me, but it's not everyday that I meet a handsome guy, buddy." I replied with confidence. "Besides, I'm used to meet serial killers." I'm still blinded by his looks that I didn't notice him walking toward me. I was still on my knees guarding my things when he stands tall in front of me. I stand up to confront him eyes to eyes, but he is three heads taller than me. Shit! He'll take me for a dwarf. "Cute." He said suddenly. "You're just as small as Yoon and want to fight. Cute." He repeats again and I smirk.

Nilla: So, you must be Joon?

Joon: The one and only! Nice to meet you, princess!

He hands out his hand for me to shake, but I refuse. Instead, I ask him another question.

Nilla: Pet name or you know?

He retracts his hands still can't believe that no one wants to shake hand with him.

Joon: I know.

The tension is so high between us. We are both calm and have nothing to say. I'm not surprised anymore if my killers come to get me right now. Like, can you just take me and kill me or whatever instead of killing some innocent people to make me see that they are not people to mess with? We stand there silently before he breaks this impossible silence.

Joon: I see that you're not even a little bit surprise.

Nilla: Let me guess, my dad found you abandoned in the streets at night, you raised me when I was four, stayed in Korea to protect me and can read my mind. Did I miss something?

Joon: You didn't miss anything, but just made some tiny mistakes.

Nilla: Example or I don't believe.

Joon: Well, I didn't raise you when you were four, but when you were five months old, Nilla.

Nilla: You what?!

Joon: Can I show you something? But you can't tell it to anyone. Promise?

Nilla: I promise.

I lift my right hand in the air showing him a fist and then take out my pinky finger. He did the same thing as me and so our pinky fingers are linked. The promise has been sealed and the secret is safe. He leads me to a closet at the end of the second floor hall and open it.

Joon: Ladies first.

He gestures his arms so I can enter first.

Nilla: You first! I ain't going inside a maybe sketchy closet with a psychopath.

Joon: Fine fine... I forgot that you're paranoid and stubborn.

Nilla: HEYYY! Not very nice.

I show him a thumb down.

Joon: Ouch!

He puts his hand on his chest where the heart is located and acts like if he just got shot. He decides to go first and when I was in, he closes the door. Before I panic and try to do something, he told me that it's okay and that all precautions should be made. We don't want any outsiders to know where we are hiding. The closet is small. I didn't even know how he endures the pain because there is literally a shelf at the height of my nose and let's not forget that Joon is way more taller than me so he probably has to deal with four shelves. He disappears suddenly. He then shows me his arms to tell me that he was there. How can I only see his arm when the closet is small enough for me to see his complete body? I follow his arm to find out that on the left side of the closet, you can bend a shelf (or more depending of your height). There is another door that was already opened, probably by Joon. I cross to the other side, stumble, scream and fall on my knees. There is a small laugh coming from further. It will form a blue on this area of my body. Joon comes running from where he is to see if I am okay.

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