Tiffany's Diamonds Part 2

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Gerald moved his things into Albert's old room. He hung his clothes on the coat hanger and noticed an old, ragged jacket, inside the jacket was a note. A suicide note. 

"Dear Tiffany, 

You are the first and only girl I ever loved. 

Please be aware that I never wanted to hurt you,

you don't deserve this..

I am depressed. I've been suffering with depression from a young age. 

Although your vivacious, gleaming energy gives me hope, 

I am too aware of the world's cold surface, and I can't put a front on for any longer.

Whatever you choose to do with your life, whoever you choose to love, 

you deserve complete happiness. I will love you through every mile, as you travel through your life.

But, my time is up. I can't put up with this world for any longer. 

Don't think that you could've saved me, this isn't your fault.

Just live your life in happiness. 

From Albert. I leave everything I have to you my sweet love x "

Gerald hid the note back inside its pocket. "GERARD.... Sweet Pea is calling you" said Tiffany. 

"Coming" replied Gerard as he rushed down stairs to the kitchen, in awe of his new surroundings, he loved living in this radiant, modern penthouse suite. 

"I made bacon and eggs" Tiff said,  "Just out of curiosity, don't you have a chef?, I mean I remember you telling me that you don't cook?" said Gerald. 

"Well, I don't need help. I do everything myself.. I can cook simple things like, I can boil an egg or cook lamb chops, that's all I need really" Tiffany replied.

As they were eating, Tiffany noticed Gerald acting differently, more shy and reserved, "I mean I don't want to trouble you by staying here.." said Gerald. 

"You are not troubling me at all. I like your companionship, now what is wrong? You've been acting strange for the last few hours.." said Tiffany.

" I'm not going to hide the fact that when I was putting my things into Albert's old closet, I accidentally noticed his suicide note peaking out of his old jacket.." said Gerald. 

Tiffany looked distressed, but she realised that he deserved an explanation. "He hung himself.. "she said abruptly with her hand pressed against her head. "I found his lifeless body hanging from the kitchen ceiling.." she said, trying not to let the tears escape her royal blue eyes.. 

"He had it all; money, cars; fortune and fame.. Yet, he didn't care for any of it.. His heart was lonely, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not help him to see the light" she said. 

Gerald moved his hand onto hers, letting his tightly move into twine with hers. Whether Gerald liked it or not, he started to fall for Tiffany's vivacious demeanour. It was as though she couldn't help her sass and charm. The way she moved, the way she breathed, everything about her was filled with sunshine. She lit up every room she walked into, and Gerald noticed and admired that about her. 

"Let's go shopping" said Tiffany, grabbing her Chanel purse from the crystal hall stand. "Where shall we go?" asked Gerald. "Let's go to Saks on fifth avenue, I need some new fabulous candles" said Tiffany. "Do you like the taste of Godiva chocolate?" Tiffany asked Gerald as the doorman let them both out and they hopped into the waiting limousine.. "Absolutely, but only when I get a hefty tip.." said Gerald. "Godiva chocolates were Albert's favourite. There's a full cabinet dedicated to Godiva chocolates at home" she said with a mirror in her hand, as she fixed her lipstick. 

They walked around fifth avenue, Gerald started to notice that Tiffany's life depended on shopping.. She was passionate about scented candles, and she admired different fragrances, chanel, chloe, lancome.. She also was obsessed with handbags and shoes.. 

"A girl like me can't afford to be poor. If I can't shop, I might as well drop dead and be with Albert" she said darkly, in a joking tone.. 

Suspicion started to fill Gerald's mind.. but he shrugged it off..

"Let's go for some cold beer, hamburgers and fries.. , I know a place that has the best fries in Manhattan" said Tiffany.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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