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Dylan Waters

I stand at the register, waiting for someone to come and order. I haven’t been able to focus or move much today, mostly because I’ve been thinking about everything that happened in one week. Just one week. My cat died and we still don’t know what to do with him. Lauren and I… I really don’t even know what is going on between us. And on top of all that, Courtney is still in a coma. When she wakes up, she better tell me what - “Excuse me.” A guy said, angrily. “Hello, you have a customer that has been here for 5 minutes watching you dream. You better have been dreaming about what kind of drink I want.” 

“Sorry.” I mumble. “What do you want today?”

“Finally. I want a green tea.” I typed up his order.

“Is it here or for to go?” 

“I want to go now.”

“That’s 3.45.” I say and write his order on the cup. “What’s your name?”

“Andrew.” He says, proudly. I grin as I write his name down. “What are you smiling about?” He hissed.

“Nothing, sir.” I smile at him, he rolled his eyes and went to wait for his drink as I served the next customer. About a minute later, his drink was called.

“Green tea for Assdrew?” Mike called. Andrew gasped in horror and embarrassment. He glared at me as he walked up to take the drink as the cafe snickered. Mike walked up to me when there was no customers in line. “What was his name?”

“Andrew.” He laughed. “I guess I didn’t hear him right.”

“What did he do?”

“He was just being an ass, and it’s been a slow day.” I smile.

“Nice.” He said. “So what’s up with you?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, wiping the counter. 

“You’ve been somewhere else today. You look lost. You alright?” He pats my shoulder. 

“Yeah, I’m good.” I reply, not looking at him.

“Mmmkay.” He lingered for a moment, before returning to his place. 


Finally it was time to get off. “See ya.” I say to everyone as I hang up my apron and leave. As I’m opening the car door a man came up to me. “Yes?” I ask.

“Do you know of the girl who was involved in the car crash that happens a couple of days ago?” He asks.

“I know of it…. Why do you ask?”

“May I ask a couple of questions?”


“Well it was probably one of the most craziest accidents in a while.”

“How so?” I set my hand on the door, getting ready to leave.

“Because she was collided with -“

“Look, I don’t want to answer anything right now.” I say, opening the door.

“Oh, sir, it will just be a few minutes.”

“I said no.”

“It’s just a few questions.”

“No!” I say, stuffing my things in the back.

“Sir, I heard she was in a coma, is this true?” He takes out a recorder.

“No comment.” I say as I began to pull out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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