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Haru was heading to his locker before lunch and when He arrived he saw Rin alone.

'That's weird," he thought

'Why is that Haru,' Kuro asked

'He's never without his gang something up. I don't like it.' Haru replied

Haru slowly walked up to his locker and opened it. When he opened it he felt someone pull his hood off with such force that he fell back on the ground revealing his face to all onlookers. Haru's face immediately turned red from embarrassment and then all of the girls started screaming, "It's him. After him."

He threw his stuff in his locker, closed it and ran off as fast as he could with the girls chasing him screaming, "Give me your autograph,"

Haru panicked and ran out of the doors and hid in a bush beside the school. The girls burst out running past him and broke up in groups looking for him.

Haru sighed in relief for a brief moment before he froze when he heard someone say, "Well, well. Looks like someone popular."

Haru screamed and jumped out of the bush and ran back to his locker only to see Rin with a grin on his face as he approached. He sighed and asked with slight annoyance, "What do you want Rin?"

Rin rubbed the back of his head nervously and said, "Well um, I was wondering if you would like to eat lunch with us today? I would understand if you didn't want to,"

Haru looked into his eyes to see if there was any dissent in them and there was none. he sighed and said, "I guess I have no other choice. But I need to get Kuro and my Lunch first."

Rin's eyes grew wide with excitement. Haru grabbed his lunch and Kuro gave him a tiny glare for keeping him in there. Haru mentally apologized. Kuro hopped on his shoulder. Rin grabbed Haru's arm and Rin pulled them to lunch.

Haru PoV

Once they were at the lunch table everyone was having a conversation while I was just silent.

"Feel so awkward," I mentally said to Kuro

"Damn, Ya it is awkward," Kuro said.

He suddenly popped out of the neck of my jacket and yawned. I smiled and started scratching behind his ears. When he purred everybody at the table where I was sitting looked at me.

"What?" I asked with confusion.

"There's a cat in your shirt," Amy pointed out

"I know," I replied

Everyone sweatdropped while Kuro nuzzled my hand For awhile while the others were looking intently until Rin broke the silence and asked, "Haru are you excited to finally know what our powers are? Most of us already know. We already know what ours are. Do you know yours?"

I stayed silent until a pillar of fungus came from behind me. I turned around and saw Astroth, King of Rot.

"What do you want Astroth?" I asked with annoyance

"The King of Earth and Water waiting for you along with father, Haru-san," Astroth said

Rin stood up and yelled, "Big brother what are you doing here and why would Egyn, Amaimon and father want Haru?"

Astroth smiled when he saw Rin and said kindly, "Little brother how good to see you but, this is a political matter. He is the Lord of Wind, Water, and Fire as well."

Everybody gawked at what they were hearing.

"Tell them I'll be there soon, but remember, let me know a day before from now on," I said

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