Powers Unsealed

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I sat down by the Demon Kings enjoying the coronation party sitting between the King of water and wind. Before that I came to know them quite well. I was bored at the party but wasn't value to get up from my spot.

Time skip after party

After the party, I met Satan in his throne room. When I entered I saw Rin standing before Satan.

"Ahh, Haru glad you could make it," Satan said

Rin immediately turned around eyes wide and asked shocked, "That's Haru?? How is this even possible?"

Satan's aura grew dark and yelled, "PIPE DOWN RIN."

"Yes father," Rin mumbled

I couldn't help but smirk.

"The reason I called you two here today is to send you to 2 Assaia. I want to observe humans more. Both your powers will be sealed in swords. You will forget everything and everyone here. When the time is right you will remember. Samual will watch over you eventually. The other kings have been told not to mention anything and act like they don't know you. Understood?"

"Yes," We both said.

I looked at Rin wondering why he hasn't insulted me yet. Then I remembered that Grandpa must have talked to him.

"Rin wait outside I have to talk to Haru," Satan said

Rin nodded and left. Once the door closed Satan came up to me and knelt down and said, "Haru, watch over my son, please. I know he has caused you harm in the past, but just look after him ok? I know I wasn't ever there for you but ill make it up to you."

Tears started welling in his eyes and I started to panic.

"You already have Jiji. And I will look after Rin. He'll probably be hopeless without it. Ill stay with him. no need to worry. I will have Uncle Amaimon break the sword that seals his powers at some point though. I'll keep him under control though if he loses control."

"Yea my son is a klutz and thanks," he said wiping away his tears.

"Now when do we leave?" I asked.

"Now," he said as he snapped his fingers.

I felt a flourish of light around me and then nothing.

Time skip 9 years

It had been 9 years since that day when Rin and I were reborn as humans. We actually had got along nicely. Man if only he knew our past. I chuckled at the thought

"What are you laughing at Niisan," the 9-year-old Rin asked in a sweet voice.

"Oh nothing," I replied

"Meanie," he pouted cutely at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him as a reply.

"So Rin what do you think you'll get for our birthday? Since it is our birthday tomorrow" I asked him changing the subject

"Candy and toys," He cheered with a cheeky grin

"What about you Niisan?" He asked with a goofy grin on his face

"I don't know. From Dad something nice and from Mifisto, I would say something dangerous that would give the old man a heart attack." I replied with a smile

We then heard a knock at the door. I grabbed Rin's arm and ran to the door. I opened the door and saw a man in a clown suit.

"Mifisto. You're here," Rin and I shouted in unison with glee as we hugged him.

"It's glad to see you both. I got your presents. Let's open one early in secret," he said with a mischievous grin

Rin and I smiled in return.

"What's going on with the noise. Oh Mifisto good to see you again. How were your travels?" A voice said

"Dad!" Rin yelled in excitement as he ran to hug our 'father' Shiro Fujimoto

Rin looked at dad and asked, "Can we each open one present today please."

"Ya can we dad," I asked agreeing with Rin.

He looked at our pleading big eyes and sighed.

"I guess there is no harm in it so why not. But only after dinner."

Rin's and eyes filled with excitement as we got ready to open our presents.

Mifisto came out with 2 presents. And places them in front of us. We quickly opened them. I got my family's sword. I looked up at Mifisto and hugged him said, "thank you,"
And then I whispered for only him to hear, "thanks for this Samual."

I let go and sat back down.

Father asked what it was and I showed him. He chocked on his breath and said with a bit of anger, "Why did you get him a sword Mifisto."

Mifisto smirked playfully at him.

Rin's eyes sparkled with awestruck and said, "that's so cool nii-san."

"Ya it is," i replied.

Rin was next. He got the VIP passes to Disney World.

"Yahooo!" He cheered as he hugged Mifisto while dad's eyebrow was twitching.

Rin sat back down next to me showing me the passes. Dad left with Mifisto probably to scold him on giving us expensive presents.

I noticed someone poking my cheek as i was watching dad leave. I looked toward my attacker an noticed Rin as he just poked my lip.

He immediately stopped

"Why are you ignoring me Nisan," he pouted sadly.

I laughed awkwardly and replied, "Sorry I was just thinking."

"Bout what," he asked.

"How cute and adorable you are little brother," I said as I booed him on the nose. His face turned red and mumbled, "dummy." while I chuckled

Dad just called out, "Dinner boys wash up."

"K," we answered and headed to dinner after washing up.

Time skip 2 hours

Me and rin were getting dressed in our jammies. Since we shared a room and we only had one bed, so we had to share a bed. We hugged each other tightly as we fell asleep.

Time skip

When we woke up it was around midnight. I grabbed a light coat and snuck out the window into the little forest and sat In a nearby tree.

"I know your there Samuel," I called out

"Ahh poo. It's no fun when I can scare you," he answered

"Whatever, lets get this done. I'm still sleepy," I replied with a soft yawn.

He smirked and snapped his fingers and said, "Er Zie Dri. Your powers should be returning to you."

I felt a rush power and bloodlust. Flames,water,wind formed around me in a burst destroying 2 square miles around me. My eyes a burning red and blue. I went berserk. Attacking everything in my path.
After an hour or so I calmed down and collapsed into unconsciousness.

Time skip le morn

When I came to I was as in bed with Rin again. I smiled at his adorable sleeping face. I booped his nose and his eyes fluttered open and complained softly with a yawn, "what was that for Nisan?"

"It's our birthday and i thought we should use the most of it." I replied with a huff

He giggled and we headed out to celebrate our birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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