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I was rudely awoken to the sound of an excited girl yelling and someone still sleeping

Nora: "Wake up, lazy butt!"

The calm one sighs while the sugar rush was flipping out

Nora:"It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!"

Scene change

Nora: "I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything, I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm... well, I'm me! But it's just crazy, you know?"

Scene change again

Nora: "We've been friends for soooooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, not "together-together..." Not that I'm not saying that you're not handsome; you are handsome, but that'd just be weird, right?"

Yet another scene change

Nora: "(muffled through her food) Right! What was I thinking? But still, I hope we end up on the same team together! (slurps up the rest of her pancake) Oohhhh! We should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we end up on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work. He has the school."

You already know what this is...

Nora: "I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal! (gasps) A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?"


Nora: "Yes, Ren?"

Ren: "He sheathes his weapons "I don't think sloths make a lot of noise."

Nora: "That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together!"

Ren:"Come on Nora, let's go"

Nora: Not "together-together..."

The both leave apparently not together-together but together which finally set my mind calm... god the amount of times I've wanted to die during that...

No one's POV

Ruby: "Wonder what those two are so worked up about?"

Yang: "Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!"

Ruby: "Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking. "

Yang::"Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

Ruby:"You sound like Dad!" She slammed her weapon into the locker angrily "Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!"

Yang: "But what about when we form teams?"

Ruby: "Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or something..."

Yang had a coy look on her face by bring her hair over her shoulder and stroking it

Yang:"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?"

Ruby: "My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?"

Yang: "What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... break out of your shell!"

Ruby: "What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! That's absolutely-"


After my comment she jumped in fear but the realized it was me

Ruby:"Oh! Y/n! You scared me!"

Y/n:"Apologize..." he looks over at Yang "Hello"

Yang:"Well hiya, I'm Yang!"

Y/n:"Y/n, I'm guess you two are half sisters?"

Ruby:"How did you know?!"

Y/n gave a deadpan expression waiting for her to be joking but she wasn't

Y/n:"I was in the other side of the locker..."

Ruby:"Oh... ahaha..."

Y/n:"Anyway I'm just go get ready so see you guys later"



Ozpin: "For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda: "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today."

Ruby: "What? Ohhh..."

Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well."

Ruby: "Ugh!"

Ozpin: "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

Ruby: "Whaaaat?!"

Nora: "See? I told you-!"

Ozpin: "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die."

Jaune laughs nervously and then gulps loudly.

Ozpin: "You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will reguard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

Jaune slowly raises his hand

Jaune: "Yeah, um, sir?"

Ozpin: "Good! Now, take your positions."

Everyone strikes a pose on their tile. Nora crouches low, Ren wields his weapons, Yang raises her fists, Ruby readies her body, and Jaune is still raising his hand.

Jaune: "Uh, sir? I've got, um... a question.So, this landing... strategy thing... Uh, wha-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?"

Ozpin: "No. You will be falling."

Jaune: "Oh, uh, I see... So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?"

Ozpin: "No. You will be using your own "landing strategy.""

Jaune: Uh-huh... Yeah."

At her turn, Yang winks at her younger sister, puts on a pair of aviators, and flies off with a "Woo-hoooooooo!" a second before Ruby joins her.

Jaune: "So, what exactly is a landing strategYYY!..."

Everyone was now out of sight and ready for their initiation

(DEAD)"Some kind of Hunter I guess? RWBY X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now