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The next morning

Approaching the gates of Prinns' manor, you straightened your clothing in an attempt to smarten yourself. Your head thumped fiercely from the previous nights liquor, you were deeply disappointed with yourself that you'd drunk so much but it all seemed like a good idea at the time. It was bad enough not getting any sleep the night before but to look and smell like it as well wasn't sure to impress Prinns.

The house was an impressive white building with expansive gardens boardering it's approach. There was no mistaking that Prinns was clearly a man of substance, means and influence.

"I have an appointment with Mr Prinns" you said confidently as you approached the Spanish guard at the gate.

"You do?" He replied in a thick accent looking at you up and down through the railings, some kind of disgusted look on his face.

Suddenly feeling slightly less confident, you straightened your hair once more and smoothed out the creases in your dress

you introduced yourself

"due to the weather as it was last night, I was unable to make my arranged appointment, Is Mr Prinns around?" You asked

"Wait here!" He barked and walked to another guard stood a little further away. They spoke quietly in Spanish occasionally glancing over to you.

You waited patiently at the gates whilst they spoke, glancing around whilst they did so you noted a large ornate pagoda set back slightly to the right of the house, it's usual manicured appearance tainted by last nights storm, groundskeepers worked busily repairing it's roof and making the lawns pristine once more.

Your attention was brought back by the second guard who was now approaching the gates. He was a larger, slightly older man, you could tell by his stature that he was a higher rank than the other guard.

"Señorita, apologies for keeping you waiting, Mr Prinns is in, please follow me"

You smiled as he turned the large metal handle with a loud clank, he pushed the gate wide enough for you to enter, it screeched as it opened.

"Thank you Sir" You said waiting for him to close the gate after you. it slammed with a loud thud.

"I trust you had a good journey to Kingston señorita?" He asked as you followed him up a set of large shallow stone steps that swept towards Prinns' domain

"Favourable Sir, Aye" You replied looking around, the steps strewn thickly with Palm fronds and debris from nearby trees.

"Quite a storm last night!" You continued

"Si, it's been a long while since we've had weather so fierce here" He explained in his thick accent. "the manor took quite a beating"

He lead you towards the front of the manor and up to the front door which was flanked with huge pillars either side, it had looked impressive from the gate but close up it looked even more imposing. you began to feel even more apprehensive about your impending meeting.

He pushed at the door

"After you Miss" he gestured at you to walk inside

You thanked him and stepped inside, you got your first glance of the inside of the manor. Turning around on the spot you drank in it's opulence. He closed the door behind you.

"Wait here" He ordered and walked across the entrance hall to a door towards the rear, his footsteps echoing on the polished marble as he walked.

There was a large freestanding staircase central to the hallway, huge portraits of older looking men all dressed in grand robes adorned the walls, there was one larger than all the others at the landing at the top. Closer inspection of the portrait you recognised it to be Grand master Torres, he was posed in his Templar robes looking distastefully down on you. "So all the others must be Templars too", you thought to yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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