Playboy central!5;

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Life’s a Bitch!

I mentally screamed

Why me?

Why fucking me God?

I’ve been a good girl ...recently... I go to church, I serve my penance I’ve been the most precious child in the world. ...Yesterday...

Then why in fucks sake am I literally in the presence of that gorilla thingy I met Saturday and his .

He stood as tall I remember glaring daggers at me from under his lashes like I was a maggot or something and you better believe that my glare if not more is just as fierce as his.

“Oh shit, it’s the cliff girl” the equally tall and attractive dark haired dude who laughed like an idiot on Saturday said with one hand covering his mouth as he struggled –but failed poorly– to hold his laughter in while leaning on the shoulder of the gorgeous blonde who also had an  amused expression on his face before he started.

All three of them where

“What the fuck?” Ace roared in anger and frustration making his friends expressions to morph to ones of seriousness and a crowd gather.

I didn't flinch a inch

Looks like gorilla boy’s a big deal around here too or maybe these people are just itching for gossip

He wore ripped denim jeans, a white shirt and a big black hoodie over all that and not forgetting the silver rolex hanging loosely on his wrist and the same exact dogtag Double had on dangling from his neck.

Must be a twin thing

I slowly got up from the ground with my books –without any help from the idiot who pushed me by the way but double did try to help– with anger written all over my face but then I broke into a smile when I saw clearly his bruised  jaw underneath the hoodie and I could tell that by the look on his face he knew why I was smiling and he didn’t like it one bit only making my smile grow not caring whether the gossip hungry idiots watching us thought I was a lunatic or not.

Why are they gathered here again?

Oh yeah, this Gorilla pushed me

And with that thought my face turned back to steel

I know, I have mood swings like a teen on her period. Get over it!

“Your one to talk, you fucking pushed me then go all hulk, aren’t those eyes of yours good for anything else except pissing me off?” I asked rhetorically and judging by the look on Gorilla boy’s face he didn’t like it either and I was loving that.

“Thanks for the help boys nice to know chivalry still isn't dead” I sarcastically said at the three dudes behind Ace.

“Very stylish hoodie by the way but its kindda disappointing since its covering up that handsome face of yours” I smiled and he glared even harder as I playfully pulled his hoodie hat and he tried swatting my hand away.

I giggled

Was I bruising Mr Big guy’s ego? He should be lucky I’m not bruising something else

“Oh please only you would find this amusing huh you little who–”

“Ah Ah Ah” I cut Ace off holding a finger up and shaking it like moms usually do to their naughty kids while smiling “Its my first day, You should be welcoming me Babe and not trying to repeat what happened on school property now would we?” I asked I'm a provoking manner reminding him of what would happen if he dare called me a whore, but also playfully placed my hand on his shoulder while playing with the lace of the hoodie.

I’m psycho, I know

‘is she his girlfriend...?’

‘Are they fucking?...’

‘I doubt it, they seem to hate each other...’

ohhh, what do you think Amanda will say about this?’

Where the few comments I could hear due to so many noises around me right now

As you could probably tell I really don’t like being called a whore

 He stared at my hand on his arm angrily  before shrugging it off and I recoiled my hand laughing.

“Why is it that whenever the two of  you are together it seems like there's gonna be a knife fight?” The voice of reason –Double– said and I rolled my eyes before turning my entire body to face him.

“Oh please, we both clearly know I’m gonna win so it’s gonna be a lot less of a fight and a lot more of a beating Double” I said then shrugged.

“I finally get it” I heard Ace say and turned my confused self around to face his slightly shadowed face with a smirk plastered across it.

What is this fucker getting at?

I don’t want anything to do with your crazy self so stop all the charades  cause, I made it clear what will happen if you mess with me princess” Eye roll from my part

What is he talking about?

“...So my advice –which I strongly recommend you follow by the way– is to get out of the big boys sandbox before you break a nail” he finished and I rolled my eyes again.

Fuck I’m gonna be dizzy after this

“Listen playboy central, I don’t know nor do I really give a fuck about what your talking about but I’ll say this only once so listen up. I can do whatever the fuck I want and your not gonna do shit about it” I heard the crowd ooh at the end while Ace took a look at the finger of mine that constantly jabed his hard chest as I spoke.

“Now, if you excuse me I want to go get some food in my stomach cause this conversation has not only bored and irritated me but has also made me extremely hungry so...” I started off smiling before trailing off and my face becoming deadly “Move. Or I’ll make you”. I had stated. Somewhere in this confession of mine I had steeped so close to the idiot that we were now staring each other dead in the eyes nobody making a single sound.

I’ve been to cemetery's more rowdy

“Babe?” A high pitched voice grabbed everyone's attention and I turned my head to see a gorgeous Latina in an extremely revealing pair of shorts and a tight top walking towards Double.

“What’s going on?” She asked no one in particular while staring at everyone’s faces before landing on mine in question.

I literally fucking cringed at the screams put into words that came out of her mouth yet she wasn’t screaming somehow.

She has to be faking it

No one’s voice can be that annoying.

Right?Right. Right?

Not wanting to explain myself to anyone –especially that real life barbie doll– I walked outta there making sure to Hit Ace’s shoulder with mine before walking through his friends.

My joy awaits

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