[4] Leon S Kennedy

5K 94 8

Game/Movie: Vendetta

Theme: Nightmares

Genre: Fluff, angst

Warnings: blood, mentions of death, swearing

Pairing: Leon/Reader, Leon S Kennedy/Reader

Requested by: no one

Words: 1,000


The sky was misty and dark, the once blue complection now nothing but dark red. The fog heavily lied on the ground, blocking the vision of the ground and trees. Everything seemed so eerie, not one critter could be heard throughout the city. Only the groans of the undead. The sounds of their footsteps echoed throughout the dark night, the fog seemingly enjoying ones lack of sight. It was a nightmare.

Heavy breathing could be heard, as a woman in her 30's ran from the creatures of the undead. Each step echoed throughout the abandoned buildings, each ragged breath was heard through the crisp air of oxygen. Every sound attracted the zombies towards the (h/c) haired woman, not once caring for her well being. After all, they only wanted to consume her delicious flesh.

'shit..!' You cursed, picking up the pace with your aching legs. You had no idea how you came here, how you came back to this dreadful place where everything started; Raccoon City, the home you once lived in for years. The sounds of the undead pricked tears in your eyes. Fear swelled in your petite form, your legs begging for you to stop; to rest, to sleep. But no matter how much they ached, you wouldn't stop. Not while your life was practically on the line.

You took a sharp corner, your (h/c) hair swishing behind you, while your (e/c) depths frantically looked all around you. You wanted this to end, you wanted this memory to stop, to just wake up beside your boyfriend. But, it seems your subconscious wanted you to suffer the endless amounts of pain you once went though.

Clear drops of water fell from your eyes, streaming down your cheeks like a water fall. The fear, the pain, everything was rushing through you all at once. Your heart continued to beat erratically against your rib cage, your blurred vision looking around. You wanted to leave this god forsaken place. You just wanted to wake up!

A pained yell left your lips as you fell to the ground. Your ankle was ensnared around a hand, an undead one. Panic swelled as you struggled, kicking your legs and screaming. The grip never loosened or released. More hands grasped at your limbs, holding your thrashing body on the cold damp ground, their grips cutting off your circulation. The groans crept closer, as their hideous faces came into your field of vision.

"No!!!" You yelled, crying and struggling even harder. The grips only tightened, threatening to break your bones in an instant. And, that's what it exactly did. You screamed out in agony, your arms and legs throbbing in an intense amount of pain. Your limbs were useless now, as the boned that once allowed you to move were now snapped. Tears continued to stream down your cheeks as you desperately screamed and cried. You wanted to escape, you wanted someone to wake you up.

You wanted it to END!!

The undead crawled up to your broken body, ignoring your shouts and pleaded, and sunk their teeth into your flesh. You cried out, screaming at the immense pain. Your nerves continued to pulse, sending messages to your brain of your pain. Blood seeped down your skin, a puddle of your redness forming beneath you, staining your once clean clothes.

Your cries slowly began to weaken. Every shout was slowly becoming silent, every wail was unheard, and every tear was unseen. Your body began to feel cold beneath the zombies grasp, the warmth slipping away. Black dots began to cloud your vision, as you could only lie on the cold ground. You were slipping away, going to a more dreadful place no one could live to tell the tale.


A voice began to call out, their voice muffled as your eyes closed.


It sounded familiar, yet so distant. Your life continued to slip away.

"..(y/n)..! W... Up!"

It sounded so, so familiar. Almost like your boyfriend..

"(Y/n)! Wake the f..k up r..... N..!"

'wake up..?' you tiredly thought, your body feeling even colder. Your pulse began to drop, slowing down till it was barely beating. Just as you slipped away, a loud shout was heard.

"(Y/n)! Wake the fuck up!!"

You shot up from your bed, yelling and crying. Your eyes were wide, like you had just seen a ghost. Warm arms encased your panicking form, tightening with every struggle you made.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down!" Your boyfriend's voice rung through your ear, his hand rubbing circles against your skin. Slowly, you came back to your senses. You lifted your head, your (e/c) eyes meeting his blue caring ones.

"Leon.." you whimpered, closing your eyes as he wiped your tears away. "Nightmare?" He asked, using his thumb to wipe your tears. You wordlessly nodded, and buried your face into his chest, trying to calm your erratic breathing. 

The blonde said nothing, allowing you to bathe in his warmth and comfort. His hand found his way into your hair, running his digits through your (h/c) locks. He knew ever since that faithful day, you both wouldn't be the same. With everything you both been through, nights wouldn't be as peaceful, they would be dreaded by that faited night.

Feeling your body relax, he glanced down, only to discover your peaceful face. A small smile creeped onto Leon's lips, and wordlessly, he lied you back down onto the bed. Lying down beside you, he wrapped his arms around your petite waist, and pulled you close to his chest.

"I love you.." he muttered softly, and closed his blue depths. He soon joined you in a peaceful slumber, his chest rising and falling in neat sync with yours. If there was something he could do, it'd be making you sleep peacefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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