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"Tobias?" I whisper weakly. After three years of being tortured and beaten, I never expected this day to become real. He's here. Standing right in front of me as tears flood my eyes. I throw my arms around him and sob into his shirt. He tenses up and doesn't hug back. "You're supposed to be dead." He says bluntly. "You aren't here. I'm just imagining it again. I'm going to pinch myself and wake up." He pinches his arm hard and closes his eyes and when he opens them his eyes widen "holy crap.... T-tris... I-it's really you... How.... How are you alive?! Why would you put me through all of this??" He says as tears threaten to spill from his eyes. I'm about to respond that I never wanted to leave him; that I was captured by David and Marcus; that I've fought every day to make it back to him... But a tall skinny girl comes up and presses her lips to his and my heart sinks. "Hey baby.... I thought you had to run some errands?..." She says in her perfect voice that goes well with her perfect body. "I-I was..." Tobias gulps and looks to me with sad eyes "I uh... Just bumped into an old friend..." He says as if even just those words cause him pain. I look to him desperately. I'm an idiot. A complete idiot. I don't know what I was expecting... For him to still love me? To still be single? That was a fools hope.

The girl looks me up and down with a look of fake pity that makes me want to strangle her. "Uh... Yeah..." I say in my scratchy voice. "I'm... I'm tris..." I extend my hand and she looks at how dirty it is and keeps her hand firmly by her side. That snobby little pretentious- "I'm Leah... I'm Tobias' girlfriend... How do the two of you know each other?" She asks. I clear my throat "like he said.... Old friends...." I look down "I'd.... I'd better be going...." I say in a quiet voice as I turn around and walk away quickly before they can say anything else. I walk to where I know I would find my old abnegation house, only now, it's a pile of dust and rubble. Tears well up in my eyes and I sit in the mess and pull out a cigarette. I started smoking when I was a prisoner. The things they did were worse than death would've been, so I wanted to speed up the death process, seeing as they wouldn't actually let me die. They wanted me for information. They tortured me, starved me, beat me... That's a fate MUCH worse than death if you ask me.

I light my cigarette and take long smokes. Maybe I can just die, I think to myself. Then I can be with my family.

"Tris..." I hear a deep voice say above me. I look up and find myself face-to-face with Tobias. "Hey." I say quietly as I continue smoking. He raises an eyebrow "tris... Since when do you smoke? It's bad for your health... It could kill you..." He says as he sits next to me. "Exactly." I say as I keep smoking. His eyes widen and he has tears in his eyes "tris...." He says quietly "where have you been all these years?... Why did you leave me?... You really hurt me...." He says in a cracked voice. This sends me over the edge. "Leave you?!!? I never left you!!! I was kidnapped by YOUR dad and David! And don't you dare talk to me about pain!! I would have MUCH rather died than love through all of that crap!" I'm yelling now. His eyes widen and I see guilt and sadness in his eyes "I.... I didn't know.... I thought you left me...." He says as a few tears run down his cheeks. I look down and away from him "just.... Whatever.... Go back to your perfect little girlfriend..." I stand up "maybe this is the way it was meant to be...." I say quietly as I put out my cigarette and start to walk away.

"NO NO NO...." He stands up "don't you DARE leave me like this again!" I runs up and grabs my arm. He spins me around and kisses me passionately. My eyes widen and for a second I don't kiss back. But, oh how I've missed those lips. I kiss back deeply as he presses me to him.

And it's like nothing has changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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