Never leave my side

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So the next day I was at my house of course then i when to the kitchen to eat breakfast and I eat cereal so I was scrolling through Instagram then I see a post from Jack and someone and I'm like how is that then I texted Jack.
Zach:Can I ask u a question
Zach:who is that girl on Instagram with u 😭
Zach:tell me
Jack:It's my friend
Jack:fine she is...
Jack:pls don't get mad
Zach:I'm gonna get mad if u don't tell me
Jack:fine she is my ex girlfriend
Jack:Sorry Zach
Zach:where done
Jack:what no Zach don't leave pls
(Text between Zach and Jack over)
So I was so mad at Jack and I didn't wanna get over him so I just didn't text him so then he was texting me nonstop so his Messages where these

Jack:Zach pls call me baby let me tell u what happened pls Zach I so sorry

Jack:pls tell me something amd I will make I better Zach Pls

Jack:Pls Zach text me pls I will die if u don't and I will be gone forever

So when he said that I answered really fast so I said

Zach:Jack pls don't I feel the same without you Jack
Jack:pls promise me u will never leave my side
Zach:fine but stop texting ur ex or It's gonna end forever
Jack:I will always love u more
(Text between Zach and Jack over)
So I was so happy bc he really did what I told him to do then Jack text me if I wanted to go to the movies and I said sure so we when to the movies and we saw a movie called "Look and See"(FAKE) so it was like a scary movie and i was so scared but it was fun bc I was with my boyfriend and that made me happy then when the movie ended Jack told me if I can stay at his house and I said yes but I need to tell my mom so I did and she said yes and then we got to his house and I when to Jack's room and I just lead there bc I was so tired so I fell asleep then someone comes in and it was Jack and he said it was so nice to have my baby boy back in my life so I wasn't really asleep so I heard what he said and then I smiled and then Jack huged me and then he fell asleep with me with his arms around me and I was so so happy.

Thank you for all your help guys the ones that really helped me and I hope you enjoy the chapter:) .

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