Chapter 1

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"Oi [First Name], hurry up! You wouldn't want the teachers to have a bad impression on your first day of school right?" Iwaizumi shouted from the living room. Half of him truly cares and hopes for the best for you but the other half of him is getting impatient as he has already waited for you for a good 20 minutes.

"Alright, I'm coming!" You quickly grabbed your bag and rushed out of the room, feeling slightly guilty that you have made him wait for such a long time. "Argh, mom had to ask you to pick me up", you grumbled while wearing your shoes. "That's because she knows that you'd be late if no one is here to nag at you! And you just proved her point," Iwaizumi retorted. You rolled your eyes, knowing that he was right.

Both your parents and Iwaizumi's parents have been friends for the longest time. They had monthly gatherings when you were younger so naturally, while the parents were having their adult talks, you and Iwaizumi would go to the nearby park to play. This monthly process continued until two years back where your entire family migrated to America due to a job your Dad had gotten. It was difficult to call because of the time difference and it does not help that the two of you were extremely busy. Even then, you both would still keep in touch with each other.

Your father's job required him to move back to Japan but this time it was in Tokyo. You missed your friends in Miyagi greatly so you begged your parents to let you enroll in a school in Miyagi. They were reluctant to leave you alone in Miyagi at first but eventually gave in. However, this came under one condition: you would enroll in Aoba Johsai. This would make it easier for Iwaizumi whom they entrusted to look after you. Initially, you wanted to enroll in Karasuno as you have heard great things about the school. Nevertheless, Aoba Johsai was fine with you too.

The two of you were happily chatting on your way to school when you suddenly heard Iwaizumi mutter under his breath, "Sigh, I can feel a headache coming." You gave him a questioning look, "Eh? Hajime, are you oka-".


You giggled as you heard Iwaizumi groan and realised what he meant by "headache".

"Shut up, Trashykawa!" Iwaizumi grumbled as he smacked the head of a certain brunette.

"Iwa-chan, so mean! You can't go around messing the hair of others just because yours is a mess. Besides, you may be the first person to see my stunning looks today but you have to let others appreciate it as well!"

You could literally see Iwaizumi's vein pop up as he went on to grab the brunette and tried to mess up his hair even further. You could feel that your ear-drums were about to burst from all that high-pitched screams coming from that terrified brunette. Although you wanted him to shut up to save your poor ears, you were enjoying the scene in front of you. Iwaizumi seemed to be annoyed, but having known him for so many years, you could tell that deep down, he was happy to see his friend. You didn't have many friends in America so seeing how Iwaizumi and his friend interact made you a little jealous but also happy for Iwaizumi that he had made such a close friend.

Iwaizumi soon gave up and the brunette gave a victory smile. After all that scrambling around, you finally had the chance to look at the brunette more closely. Although you never really bother about looks, you still found him attractive but the most amazing part was that even after Iwaizumi had ruffled his hair multiple times, his hair still seemed to remain in perfect shape. You stared at his hair in awe. Just how much hair gel did that boy use?

He probably noticed you staring at him as he went on to start a conversation with you. "Ohaiyo! I haven't seen you around before? My name is Oikawa Tooru. It's nice to meet you!" The brunette smiled and waved to you, interrupting your thoughts.

"I'm [Full Name]. Nice to meet you too," you smiled back.

"Trust me, its not nice to meet this trash AT ALL," Iwaizumi said firmly.

"Iwa-chan, so mean!! Demo Iwa-chan, it's only the first day of school. How did you already get to know [L/N]?"

"Our parents know each other boke so we used to play together when we were kids."

There was a genuinely shocked face on Oikawa's face, "I thought I was your only childhood friend!!"

"I have life outside of you, Trashykawa!" Iwaizumi said as he walked off, leaving a pouting Oikawa alone.

When the three of you were nearing the school compound, you could hear screams coming from girls.

"Woah, is there some idol vising the school today?" you asked Iwaizumi. Before he could find enough energy to explain the situation to you, you already managed to figure it out on your own. It wasn't hard to do so, really.

"Oikawa-san, I made some cookies specially for you."

"Oikawa-san, can I take a photo with you?"

"Oikawa-san, I LOVE YOU!"

You stood there, appalled at how crazy these fangirls are for Oikawa. Oikawa didn't seem to be disturbed though. He had plastered a huge smile on his face - one that you could tell was absolutely fake - and was busy posing for pictures. Sure, he was good looking, but is it necessary to go to such extent just because purely for his looks?

"C'mon [Name]. Keep close! I don't want you to get lost!" Iwaizumi's words interrupted your train of thoughts as the two of you weaved through the crowd of fangirls. You turned to check on Oikawa and your eyes happened to meet. He gave you a smile and signalled for you to go ahead first. You replied him with a slight nod and quickened your pace to catch up with Iwaizumi.

Author's note:
Ohaiyo minna!! This is my first time writing so feel free to leave some comments (I'm okay with both good and bad) so that I can improve on my writing. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter (:

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