Chapter 2

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"You're in this class, class 6. My classroom is right beside yours. Call me if you need anything," Iwaizumi informed you as he gave you a light push, forcing you to step into the classroom. He could tell you were a little nervous since meeting new people was never your thing. Nevertheless, you made sure you looked confident as you walked towards the seat at the back of the class. The classroom was about three-quarters filled already with a good mix of male and female students. The walk to your desk seemed endless as you could feel all eyes on you. You accidentally made eye contact with some of the students which caused you to yelp internally but still managed to pull off a smile.

When you finally reached your desk, you quickly whipped out your phone and tried your best to look preoccupied, scrolling through the feed on instagram you have already saw, in attempt to reduce the awkwardness. Initially, you thought your classmates were staring at you just because you were a new student. However, you saw a tint of jealousy in their eyes and you knew your original deduction was wrong. You reprimanded yourself, 'How could I already screw up when all I did was walk from the school gate with Iwaizumi and Oika.... Oh..' From there, it wasn't hard to deduce why your classmates disliked you from the start. Clearly, every girl in this school seemed to worship Oikawa and judging from how some of the boys interacted with Iwaizumi along the hallways, Iwaizumi is probably every Seijoh boy's idol. Since you walked to school with possibly two of the most popular guys, literally everyone was jealous of you. You sighed, 'Do these kids just come to school with a bag full of jealousy?'

People were just starting to take their eyes off you when suddenly...

"[L/N]-CHAN!! Looks like you're in the same class as me!!" Oikawa shouted from the door, a little too enthusiastically for your liking. You instinctively face palmed yourself.

"Eh?? You're not happy??"

"'m absolutely delighted.."

"[L/N]-chan, quit the sarcasm!" Oikawa pouted as he took a seat beside you. Well, you were actually glad that he was in the same class as you since you wouldn't be alone like this. It's just that now's not the best time as this made the girls focus their attention back on you.

Fortunately, the teacher entered soon after, diverting the attention away from you. But your happiness was short-lived...

"Good morning, class. We have a new student this year. Ah, [L/N], could you please introduce yourself to everyone here?"

You groaned internally. Nevertheless, you plastered a smile on your face as you stood up and confidently (you were actually dying inside) spoke, "Good morning, everyone. I'm [Full name]. I grew up in Japan but went over to America 2 years ago. It's nice to be back here. Please take care of me!" With that, you sat back down and the teacher continued her class. You rolled your eyes after looking at Oikawa who appeared to be proud of you for managing to pull off such confidence.

-Time skip-

  It was lunch time. You were suppose to go to the rooftop with Oikawa to meet Iwaizumi but Oikawa got held up by his fangirls, as usual. You were still unfamiliar with the school compound and made a few wrong turns but still managed to get to the rooftop either way.

  "I can't believe Trashykawa just left you alone like that," Iwaizumi grumbled when he saw you walk up the stairways towards the roof.

  "Haha, it's fine. I still found my way here, didn't I?"

  The two of you were already half way through your meals before Oikawa finally showed up. He looked extremely tired, much to your amusement.

  "[L/N]-chan, don't laugh at me! Don't get me wrong, I love my fangirls. They boost my confidence and -"

  "Like your confidence needs to be bolstered any further, Trashykawa."

  "Iwa-chan, so mean! But anyway, it can be tiring to entertain them sometimes and it's way worse on the first day of school after a term break... so it's nice to have some peace and quiet..."

  "Well you just disturbed OUR peace and quiet Trashykawa!"

  "Iwa-chan, stop being so mean!! Anyway, [L/N]-chan, what club do you intend to join?"

  There was silence for a few seconds because you really could not decide which club you should go. You played basketball in middle school and during your stay in America but Aoba Johsai didn't have a girls basketball team. It did not really bother you since you wanted to try a new sport in high school anyway. You liked volleyball too but the only experience you had with volleyball was when Iwaizumi played with you when the two of you were younger. You knew if you want to make it to the team, you had a lot to work on and you weren't sure if you were prepared for all that hard work.

  You realised the two boys were waiting for your answer and stopped your internal debate. Shrugging, you replied, "I'm not sure... Maybe volleyball?" Oikawa's eyes immediately lighted up and you could have sworn you saw sparkles in his eyes.

"Omg really [L/N]-chan? You didn't play it competitively before right? But don't worry! Given your built and athleticism, I'm sure you would be able to pick it up real quick. Besides, you can always find Iwa-chan and I if you need any help!!"

  Upon hearing that, you smiled and was extremely glad that you have friends like Iwaizumi and Oikawa. Nevertheless, the playful you couldn't bring yourself to simply thank him for his offer. "Woah that would be nice. But wouldn't you be too busy with your fangirls?" You cheekily said.

  "Gah [L/N]-chan, you're just being salty that I have so many fans. It must be because you have eaten too many fries!" He smirked as proceeds to steal one of your fries from your lunch box before giving a victory sign.

  "Oh yeah? You consume so much sugar yet your not even sweet," you proudly remarked.

  Oikawa's jaw dropped. Iwaizumi was shocked at first but was soon laughing his ass off.

  "Ooohhhh trashykawa, I think you should stop eating your milk bread. It's completely burnt!" Iwaizumi sniggered. Oikawa huffed as he grumpily took yet another bite of his milk bread.

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