Chapter 6

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You stood nervously outside your classroom. In your hands was a box of milk bread - milk bread that you knew was Oikawa's favourite. You heard from Iwaizumi that that setter sprained his ankle during practice yesterday. Even though you knew it was a minor sprain, your heart ached a little. He had been telling you how excited he was for his upcoming friendly match and you knew he would be disappointed since it is very likely that he will not be able to play for that game. Or maybe, you were the one disappointed that you could not watch Oikawa play an actual game. You have heard how great a volleyball player he was - powerful serves and spikes filled with control, and his ability to draw out his teammate's ability through his sets... You just couldn't wait to see it in person, just how amazing that boy is. Regardless, you decided that as a friend, you should give him a small 'Get Well Soon Gift' in hope that it could console him a little.

But will he misinterpret this? Things were getting slightly better, I don't want it to be awkward again... No, stop. I'm just giving him this as a friend, nothing else. Stop imagining things (L/N), Oikawa has so many friends and fangirls, you can't possibly the only one who will give him something (although you deep down, you hoped that you'd be the only one that was going to give him something - that will make you, well, slightly special).

You took a deep breath and stepped into class. Your eyes widened in shock. Gifts and cards filled Oikawa's desk, with some cards spilling over to your side of the desk as well.

I guess being special will just remain as a dream.

Oikawa was so busy scanning through the cards he did not notice you walk in.

'Hey, Oikawa! How are you feeling? I heard about your ankle, but looks like the whole school did too. Anyway, get well soon!' You exclaimed as casually and as confidently as you could, trying your best not to show any signs of nervousness (and disappointment). You passed him the box of milk bread before sitting down beside him.

Oikawa's eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across his face. Seeing his smile, a smile so different when he is with his fangirls, his genuine smile, comforted you a little, knowing that he liked your gift.

'I was feeling pretty down before but now I'm feeling waaay better. Thank you so much (L/N)-chan!! How did you know this is my favourite?'

'You literally eat this everyday. Only a dumbass wouldn't know that it's your favourite.'

'Ehh? So you have been observing me?'

You rolled your eyes. 'You have been following me around so much that it's not really my choice to notice that you eat milkbread all the time!' You remarked. You couldn't let him know that you were observing him. In fact, you have been observing every detail about that boy - from the way he behaves in class, with his friends, with his fangirls and of course, admiring his gorgeous face in the entire process. That boy may be annoying at times, but he somehow his presence always manages to make your day.

You could hear him giggle as he stared at the box of milk bread excitedly. From the corner of your eyes, you could see him glancing back and forth from the clock and the door. Suddenly, he leaped out from his chair with the milkbread in his hands.

'Hey, where are you going? You shouldn't be ealking around so much on a sprained ankle.' You warned as you grabbed his hands in attempt to make him sit back down.

'I'm just going next door. I realised I have something very important to tell Iwa-chan!' He reassured you before limping his way out of the classroom.

That boy... Does he not want to recover soon? Why can't he just text Iwaizumi? Class is going to start in 5 minutes. Plus, we are going to eat together 2 hours later, why can't he wait til then to tell him? What could be this important anyway? You thought.

- Next door -

'IWA-CHAN!!!!! I HAVE BREAKING NEWS!!!!!' Oikawa exclaimed as he limped his way as fast as he could to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi face-palmed himself. He thought he finally got a break from Oikawa and did not mentally prepare himself to have to deal with Oikawa this soon again.

Before Iwaizumi could even find the energy to ask Oikawa to shut up, Oikawa was already infront of his desk, and practically screaming.

'See this Iwa-chan?? (L/N)-chan just gave it to me!!! HEHEHE' Oikawa bragged as he shoved the milk bread into Iwaizumi's face. Iwaizumi thought that he would never see a smile this wide on Oikawa until the day they took down Ushijima but guess he was proven wrong.

Iwaizumi was actually shocked that you gave Oikawa something. Having known you for so long, Iwaizumi knew you weren't the kind who usually gave friends presents over such matters. Heck, choosing birthday presents to give could be listed as one of your top 5 hated things to do. Sure, you love your friends and really appreciate them but when it comes to presents... you just weren't much of a fan. 10 minutes after you gave Iwaizumi his present for his 14th birthday, you complained for 30 minutes about how hard you found it to choose presents to give others. But of course, Iwaizumi could not let Oikawa know that. If Iwaizumi said anything close to 'Wow, I didn't expect (L/N) would give you somthing' or 'You know (L/N) doesn't really give people presents right?', who knows how much more inflated Oikawa's ego will get. Iwaizumi shuddered at the thought of an Oikawa with a bigger ego (if that was even possible).

'Okay okay, good for you. Now get lost!!' Iwaizumi sighed, trying to play it cool and unimpressed.

'You're so mean! Can't you be a little bit more happy for me?' Oikawa pestered.

'It's no big deal (lies), (L/N) gave me a present before too (truth).' Iwaizumi explained.

'Whatever. She gave me a present after she knew I was injured and that is all that matters!' Oikawa exclaimed.

Having shared what he wanted, Oikawa gleefully skipped (with occasional limps) back out of the classroom. Before stepping back into class, he tried his best to hide his smile and keep a straight face. He didn't want it to be TOO obvious that he was absolutely elated about the fact that you gave him a present.

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