Hudge Dredd

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"Ma'ma, do you even know why I pulled you over?" authorities some Police Man at hollywood superstart Vanessa Hudgens.
"Indeed I do pig," Vanessa verbally strikes with the cheeky reply, "tryna catch me ri' ridin dirty." The scene is HOBBYWOOD BOULEVARD. Of broken dreams....  because Vanessa Hudgens cool "atomobile" Ferrari has been pulled over.

Can't even drive in this 1984 facist nation anymore
without the BIG BROTHEL think police riding my ball nuts.

"Now why how about you go SERVE and PROTECT some real crookey criminals?!" slaps Vanessa Hudgens in this dopey copper's face. "Dissmissed!" she bellows. And races and drives OFF in her cool Ferraro Rocher.



Now Vanessa Hudgens let's it chill loose at a Hockeywood pool party. With all her friends together from the movie SPRING BREAKERS. Sally Gomez, Jimmy Franco and the whole gang is here! From SPRING BEAKERS.
"This Pool party is Stool party" disapproves music supershart  Serena Gomez. "This party is Selena Gomeh...Now give me I DO want some enter tainment! Up in here!"
"How a'bout.... "High School Musical: Universety"? It's Cinema release slated  2020. The hottest film project in DECADES...." boasts Vanessa Hudgens so much. And she presses play "High School Musical: Univercity" on the wristed Apple Watch.
"Hey what's this button actually do!?" presses James Falco the iCloud BUTTON...

"You CORNFED slug!" insults Vanessa Hudgens "now the movie is uploading the the cloud... GOD DANIT." and "If this movie leaks to the world wide web... my fine-assa hudgens is finished in Tinseltown!"
Time to put the money who your mouth is....Vanessa Hudgens proclaims: "The iCloud must be destroyed! Or my career will 'down the shiter' most assured. Let's get it going!" blasts Vanessa Hudgens!

"I will come too!" comes James Francis. No. Vanessa Hudgens does give him a headbutt in the pool. "I can't swim!" swims Jaws Frencho not. And Selena Cortez provides an electric toaster in the pool..! JAMES FRIED james franco!
"NARCS get SPARKS!" is what Selena Goñes advises to him.

"Ferrari Time!" howls Vanessa Hudgens. She stressly checks the Apple Watch...


SHRIEKING Ferarri tires...
AND peddle to THE METAL.

"The Apple iCloud is 20 miles from here we will NEVER make it" hoots Selena Gomez.
"Get that negative 'tude the fuck outta my 'rarri" snaps 'nessa Hudgens, "we've got this DONE."


Rocket the streets with amazing speeds. Valium Hudgens BUSTS the Ferrari through a Whole Foods super market building. Get discounted on THESE horse power motor vehicle!
Meanwhile Dave Franco is squeezing the cantaloupes in Whole Foods.
Dave: "Now this bad boy will make a delectable fruit salad..."
smashed to FUDKING bits!!
"NARCS get CARS!" Selena Gomez entrusts Dove chapel Dave Franco.


National Guard helicopters swiftly arrive for areola support ... but Vanessa Hudgens won't STOP to tear up the highway asphalt!
Megaphone helicopter orders "Stop! We will open fire!!"
"Selena this won't cut it...." muses Vanessa, "we must bail this Ferarri and get us one of them those 'American Choppers.'"
"That will require EXTREME stunts..." Selena reprises "...for EXTREME DUNST."
Selena 'phones' famous Hollygood actor female actress Kirsten.
Kirsten Dunst.


"Kristen Dunst! Do you have a COPY of the Spiderman costume...? From your role in the Spiderman motion PICTURES?" flails Selena Gomez.
"Yeah" affirms Crusty Dunce.
"Fax it to the 3D printer now! Pronto! And FAST!" requests Selena GoPro.
Now the Ferarri internal dashboard 3D printer spat out the Tony McGuire Spiderman costume! Vanessa Hudgens puts on the spidey suit!
"Selena Gomez from the movie SPRING SHAKERS... it has been my honor." says Vanessa.
"Vanessa Hudgens from the movie SPING BARKERS... this pool party turned out not stool party. It was.... cool party." Selena says.
Leaking a crying tear Vanessa salutes her 'B F F'.
And she shoots the web sling attached to a helicopter.... swoops FROM the 120mph vehicle-

Just at this moment the National Garfield does open fire!

The speedy Ferrarri becomes so TORPEDOED by the full might of the American military industrial complex. Saliva Gomez goes out in a GLORY of fire balls...
Good night, sweet mexican princess
Vanesspidey Hudgens web slings and face kicks the pilot out of the helicopter. "Let's get this heli... to Silicon Vali."


The chopper reached Apple iCloud server! We did arrive!
"Now how... does one even LAUNCH... some fliping rockets?!" tries Vanessa to figure out. She pushes each and every and single button - ZIP SQUAT.
"This is so High School MusiCUNT Helicopter!" curses Vanessa Hudgens.


"Well I'm sure am fresh out of options now," assesses Assessa Hudgens. The US States Air Force is full force about to catch up. Tanks and snipers a mass on the ground. Also CNN and FOX news 24 hour news vans. I Spidey sense NO ESCAPE...
"No choice but to.... suicide kamikaze myself in the Apple iCloud center," determines Vanessa Hudgens disciplined. "Goodbigh schruel musical world!"


For a last time Vanessa Hudgens taps her Apple™ Watch® with Retina© display.
Open Spotify. Just one final listen to the own 2008 music album "Vanessa Hudgens - Identified" before fiery death... but Apple Watch screen:


What the deiuce
Vanessa taps OK.


"Well then that settles that then," popular Holywood superstar Vanessa Hudgens shoulderly shrugs.

On the radar a PLATOON of Air Force stealth jet drone fighters are coming in at MACH 3 to obliterate. "I suppose that Apple Watch really is.... Airplane Mode!"

Vanessa HudgEND

Vanessa Hudgens Adrenaline PartyWhere stories live. Discover now