Chapter 1: My life, with Tom

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ScarlletPOV.: "AHHH!!!!" I was awoken by my Little sister, Samantha. "Shut up Sammy!!!" I scream as I jump off bed and chase her downstairs. "Scarllet, stop chasing your sister!" My mom scowls at me "She woke me up by screaming!" I mumble "Just get ready, the bus comes in 15 minutes." She tells me, just as Anna-Marie, my older sister, comes in all dressed and ready "Scar, why can't you by more like your sister, SHE gets ready on time," Mom says, as she gets her keys and kisses us good bye. I run to my room get my red top, my dark blue jean shorts, black and pink bow, my eye liner, and mascara, my red stud earrings and run to the bathroom

(10 min later)

I run down stairs grab a granola bar and eat it all up

(3 min later)

I run out just in time, as the bus pulls over, I run in and find a sit right next to Thomas, my friend... boy, we're not a thing, at least I don't think we are. (I meet him in 8th grade, I stood up to some 9th graders, who were picking on him because he wasn't "cool", whatever that means, and that's how we meet) "Guess what." He says, "What?" I ask, already filling with curiosity. "I fiddled with Mr. Thomson's microphone." He says, looking all proud of him self, I stare at him for what felt like eternity, but snapped back to reality and finally said "You're kidding, right, cause this is to good to be true," He smiled and said "Watch it and believe it." I look at Mr. T and, sure enough, when he started to talk, he sounded like Darth Vader, everyone cracks up, except him. "WHO DID THIS?!?!" He yells we all look around, one boy, Conner, raises his hand. "AND WHY?!" Connor laughs "Cause it makes peoples day!" Mr. T yells "Well to bad, cause you are getting detention!" Connor smiled, he and Thomas have a deal, that Thomas will do something to a teacher, and Connor will get the blame, why, it helps Connor "Bad Boy" image.

(20 min. Later)

"Soo... You're still coming to my party, right?" Thomas asks, "Yup." I smile as we walk to math. Thomas always throws a party every time something important is coming up. This time,(because we're graduating) we got accepted to TUFF. Mom doesn't know, because she was either busy or bragging about Anna-Marie, neither does my dad, he's always out of the country, that and also he's busy 24-7. "So... Red, wanna come over my house? I can ask your mom." Thomas asks, he's a bit of a goodie two shoes. "Nah, she doesn't even notice me." I sigh. "Wait, dose she know about us getting accepted to TUFF?!" He tenses up. "Um not really, she's been busy, with stuff." I mumble under my breath. Thomas opens miss. Grey's classroom door and ushers me in (yes ushers) "Well, change of plans, I'm coming to your house!" He smiles. "Urg." I groan. As Miss. Grey starts her lecture about 3d figures and how to build objects with them.

(After school)

as I walk outside, Alice bumps into me, she's a friend of mine, I see her girlfriend, Alex, behind her (she's a lesbian, but I don't care, she's just her) "Hey Alice," I say "Hey Scar." She says. "Hi,Scar, bye" Alex waves as they continue to walk towards Jordan and Mathews, the "gay guys" (more friends of mine (and Thomas)). I go and try to find Thomas, but see non other than Lexi flirting with him. I don't know why, but it made my blood burn. I speeded up "Um, Tom, my mom's here, you coming or what?" I snap, "Yes!" He said, a little to happy "I mean, yeah." "Ok, bye Lexi." I say sarcastically as I drag Thomas to my mom's car. "Guess what." He states "Chicken butt." I respond, "No, really, guess." He says. "Um... She was flirting with you?" I ask, even though it was obvious. "No, well, yes and no. Lexi is going to TUFF!" He says, no excitement in his voice. "No way!" I say as I open the door, "Her daddy most have paid millions for her to enter." "That, and she invited me to her party, that's on the same day as mine." He mumbles as he gets in "But I'm not going." I sigh a breath of relief. "How was school kids?"

My mom asks (OMG, she talked to me, and it wasn't with a mad voice, and Anna-Marie and Sammy aren't here!) "Good." I say "Great." Thomas responds "Mrs. Greenberg?" "Yes Thomas." She responds "Did Red tell you the big news?" Thomas asked "No, What big news?" She asked "We got accepted to TUFF!" He said, with enthusiasm. She hit the breaks (literally) "WHAT?!?!" She yelled. "Um... yeah, we got accepted." I say carefully. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, with a tinge if sadness. "You were busy." I say simply. She turned around and continued driving. The rest of to ride home was silent.

(20 min. Later)

I opened my door to find Anna-Marie and her boyfriend watching haunted house 2. I grabbed Thomas's arm and dragged him to my room. As we got our homework out, I ask "So Tom, what are you going to do once we go to college?" Thomas took out a pencil and sat on the floor "hmm... Doctor or police, you?" I think for a while "homicide defective." I respond "Cool." He says as my mom comes in with some popcorn "Here, something to snack on." She said as she left.

(30 min. Later)

"Hey, Red, I got to go, my dad wants some help on his motorcycle." Thomas says as he starts picking up. "I wish I had a motorcycle." I say as I help him "Well your birthday is coming up, Red, maybe I can whip something up." He smirks. My eyes widen, "OMG, are you serious?! That'll be amazing!" I say as I hug him in a bear hug. "Can't breath." He chokes. I let go of him.

As we say good bye, I go to my room and find Anna-Marie sitting on my bed, texting on her phone. "Anna, why are you in my room?" I ask getting my pjs out of my closet. "Well mom told me you and Thomas got accepted to TUFF, congrats, mom told me to tell you we're going to the mall Friday, after school. I'm not going though, but she said you can bring any friend of yours." I smile "Sweet, I'll tell Tom tomorrow." She looks up "About Thomas, do you like him or something?" I stare at her "No, why would you think that?" She shrugs "IDK, you just hangout with him a lot." I grab her wrist, push her out of my room, and slam the door close. I go to my stereo and put "talk dirty" I put it loud enough so I can hear it, but quiet enough that any one out of the room won't. I grab my sketch book and start drawing, not really paying attention at what I'm drawing. As my mom comes in I've already finished drawing and have already gotten my pjs on. She grabs my sketch book kisses my forehead and whispers "Good night Scarlett." She leaves and closes the door.

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